Video Games

How to Beat Falstad in Warcraft Rumble

Image of avatars preparing to battle in Warcraft Rumble Daily Quest Limit.

If you hope to beat Falstad without proper preparation in Warcraft Rumble, he will overwhelm your army with his powerful lightning attacks, making him dangerous to push against. Scary as he seems, we’ve got some tips to help you bring down this fearsome boss.

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How to Beat Falstad in Warcraft Rumble

As you progress through the campaign missions in Warcraft Rumble, you’ll come face-to-face with the gryphon-rider Falstad soon enough. This Dwarf can move around quickly, attack targets with his hammer, and use a lightning ability to hit multiple opponents.

The big thing to be aware of is his lightning attack, which will eat up your army’s health if they’re not at a high enough level for this encounter. Falstad is level 11, so consider investing time into leveling up your Minis and spending Gold to grab Talents and Experience Gems from the GRID shop.

The best Minis players to use against Falstad in Warcraft Rumble are Harpies, Whelp Eggs, Quilboar, S.A.F.E. Pilot, Gargoyle, Darkspear Troll, Bat Rider, and Gryphon Rider. Who you have from that list will then determine which Leader you should use.

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For instance, Grommash Hellscream performs well against Falstad due to his high health and damage output. Pairing Grommash Hellscream with the Darkspear Troll and Bat Rider can help trigger the Horde Leader’s Bloodlust ability to improve ally attack speed if these units push down a lane together, making for a fantastic build to take down Falstad.

The issue with Falstad, though, remains that his attacks can be relentless to deal with without a Mini that can distract or disrupt enemy pushes. To manage his onslaught and beat Falstad in Warcraft Rumble, you should use a beefy ground tank on the opposite side of your push team.

There are a few different ways you can go. Some on Reddit have recommended dropping Quilboar opposite your push team, which will turn Falstad. That strategy works on a lot of different bosses. Others have noted that Gargoyle works well in Heroic Mode, especially when paired with Huntress and Rend. Finally, you can abuse Whelp Eggs to deal with the melee units on one lane while their main force pushes up and behind Falstad to beat the Dwarf.

Basically, a big part of the strategy for how to beat Falstad in Warcraft Rumble involves distracting him while a strong group drives up from the rear. Depending on how fast you can get this strategy going, it won’t drag out to where you get overwhelmed by his attacks.

If you’re looking for more, check out if Deep Breath is good in Warcraft Rumble.

About the author

Anthony Jones
Anthony is a Strategic Content Writer for the The Escapist and an RPG nerd in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He has over two years experience as a games reporter with words at IGN, Game Informer, Distractify, Twinfinite, MMOBomb, and elsewhere. More than anything, Anthony loves to talk your ear off about JRPGs that changed his childhood (which deserve remakes) and analyzing the design behind beloved titles.
    Anthony Jones
    Anthony is a Strategic Content Writer for the The Escapist and an RPG nerd in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He has over two years experience as a games reporter with words at IGN, Game Informer, Distractify, Twinfinite, MMOBomb, and elsewhere. More than anything, Anthony loves to talk your ear off about JRPGs that changed his childhood (which deserve remakes) and analyzing the design behind beloved titles.

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