Video Games

How to Beat the Klaus Fight in Dave the Diver

Dave reading a book in Dave the Diver

There’s never been a more fearsome Great White Shark than Jaws… that is, until you come face-to-face with this undersea terror. Here’s what you need to know to beat the Klaus fight in Dave the Diver.

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How to Find Klaus in Dave the Diver

Easily one of the most challenging boss fights in Dave the Diver, if not the most challenging, Klaus truly pushes players’ reflexes and wits. He’s bigger, faster, and obviously more savage than Dave which means you’ll need to enter into that battle with some decent kit if you want to stand any kind of chance of turning Klaus into shark fin soup. I’m getting ahead of myself though, the first major difficulty when it comes to Klaus is just tracking him down. He’s an elusive critter one that may require you to wait a couple of in-game days if you don’t manage to discover him in time.

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Before I go any further, be aware that Klaus is a very late-game boss. If you aren’t all that far into Dave the Diver, there’s no way to find him since he only becomes available to fight after a specific story chapter has been completed. Besides, if you’re fresh in the water then you definitely don’t have the necessary equipment to pierce his sharky hide.

In order to reach Klaus, you’ll need to progress far enough in the story to unlock Night Diving which is exactly what you think it is. Once you earn this nocturnal underwater expedition, an NPC named Sato will approach Dave and tell him that on certain rainy nights, a weird vortex opens up in Blue Hole that leads to parts unknown. That’s how we’re going to reach Klaus… but not just yet.

An image of Klaus in Dave the Diver as part of a guide on how to beat the boss in the game.

In the first two instances of using the Vortex, Dave will be whisked away to two different boss fights: The Truck Hermit Crab and the Mantis Shrimp, in that order. You’ll need to defeat these foes if you want to see Klaus on your third visit, otherwise, you’ll be stuck facing the aforementioned boss fights until you’ve managed to kill them both.

Once the Truck Hermit Crab and the Mantis Shrimp are being served in Dave’s restaurant, you’ll have your chance at Klaus. The next rainy night (or the night after, it seems inconsistent from my tests), Dave will be approached by a woman named Clara who requests that he dive down and locate the gigantic Great White Shark who is responsible for killing her husband. She seems a tough old’ gal since she doesn’t actually want it dead since she wants the satisfaction of killing it herself.

How to Prepare for the Klaus Fight

Before you go searching for the Vortex, swim around a bit and find some upgrades. You’re specifically looking for oxygen tanks since Klaus is able to deal A ton of damage, so you’ll need to replenish Dave’s air frequently. You should also make sure you’re happy with your guns and your currently equipped harpoon. I’d recommend a poison, electric, or flame tip to have some chip damage over the course of the fight. Also, don’t be a fool and bring the Tranquilizer. We’re here to kill Klaus, not put him to sleep. If you’re able, pick up one of those water scooters, the extra speed will be vital to surviving.

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With that information, go for a swim in the Blue Hole on a rainy night and you should be able to encounter the Vortex you need. It’s approximately 50m below the surface but it can spawn at a shallower depth. I recommend submerging to around 25m and swimming to the right. Eventually, you’ll spot the swirling whirl so head on inside. You were meant to call Clara and report back but the current is much too strong for Dave’s flippers.

Now that you’re inside Klaus’ lair, the real fun begins…

How to Beat the Klaus Fight in Dave the Diver

The MOST IMPORTANT aspect of this fight is maneuvability. To what sometimes feels like an unfair extent, Klaus LOVES to hang around inside Dave’s hitbox. He often twists in the water to place himself in a position where just his presence harms you so you want to make sure you’re boosting as much as you can without burning too much oxygen. There are two refill stations on the bottom of the arena but once they’ve been used, that’s it. This is why you (hopefully) spent some time gathering some air canisters.

There’s no position that’s going to keep you completely safe from Klaus’ attacks. If you want to hang back at a distance, he’ll dash towards you with a move that’s very difficult to dodge given Dave’s general speed. If you hang too close, he charges up a bite attack that deals a whopping amount of damage, so with that in mind I think it’s better to hang back as much as your weapon will allow. After both of the aforementioned attacks, Klaus will take a moment to breathe before resuming his normal routine. Those are your openings for getting some damage in since you won’t be able to stagger him with your weapon no matter what gun you bring into the fold. If you have it, don’t use your scooter in this part of the fight, you’ll need it a bit later.

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The only other major threat in Klaus’ boss battle is his whirlpool attack. Once you deal enough damage to him, he’ll retreat to the far side of the stage and begin tossing mini vortexes in your direction. They’ll travel along the top and bottom of the screen and while they deny you some space, they’re not too difficult to avoid. That is, until you manage to do enough damage to Klaus.

Once he’s on his last legs (fins?) the vortexes he throws will begin to move up and down, turning the stage into a soft bullet-hell challenge. There’s nothing you can do in terms of stopping these so if you have the scooter, now’s the time to whip it out and avoid those projectiles. After Klaus has finished making whirlpools he’ll resume his normal routine of dashing and diving. Continue shooting him as he sails overhead or twists in front of you and eventually Clara will show up to finish the fight.

With the Great White Shark dead, you’ll be able to harvest Klaus’ meat and research the White Shark Omelet for the restaurant. You can sell this particular dish for a stack of cash so I’d say all the effort was worth it. Killing Klaus also rewards Dave with the Shark Teeth Necklace Charm which significantly boosts the damage of whatever harpoon he has equipped. Would have been nice to have had that before the battle but fishers can’t be choosers.

And that’s how to beat Klaus in Dave the Diver. If you’re looking for more on the game, check out how to increase your best taste rank in Dave the Diver.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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