Video Games

How to Beat Mitra the Resurrected in Ghostrunner 2

Jack with his sword in Ghostrunner

It’s all led up to this as Ghostrunner 2 loops back on itself for one last showdown with the main villain Mitra in the nuclear reactor where the sequel began. He’s a brutal enemy, so here’s how to beat Mitra the Resurrected in Ghostrunner 2.

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How to Prepare for Fighting Mitra in Ghostrunner 2

As can be expected for the final boss, this level marks the point of no return in Ghostrunner 2. So if there are any upgrades you might want to purchase, best to reload an earlier mission to stop by The Tower and spend your hard earned data. Since Mitra’s fight continues on directly from the previous chapter “Too Close to the Sun,” you won’t have an opportunity to buy any new upgrades directly before the fight so make sure you’re happy with what you have available to you.

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As for the kinds of skills you’ll want to slot onto Jack’s Motherboard, Mitra’s fight is fairly straight forward. It’s a mix of in-your-face combat and platforming challenges so you don’t have to worry about using abilities like the Tempest or Shadow. This is a one-to-one clash, so focus on installing upgrades that improve your combat prowess and traversal.

Given how much you’ll be dodging, you’ll want to have Artificial Senses installed to help with some of the more complicated platforming sections. There a certain sections where a good parry can completely waste Mitra, so if you’re not comfortable with the timing I suggesting modifying your sword skills to compensate; Smooth Moves will make this much easier. Use skills like Parry Focus to slow down time briefly, and Fear Stimulator to regenerate a third of your energy upon landing a perfect parry.

Don’t neglect your dash, either. I strongly recommend installing Hydraulics Adjustment, which reduces the energy cost of your dash by 15% (25% if you slot it in a last column socket). Long Distance Thrusters and Ghost Thrusters are also great in this fight. They’ll save your life.

Now that we’ve packed our bags and sharpened our sword, let’s kick this thing off.

How to Beat Mitra’s First Phase

As soon as the cutscene building up the fight comes to an end, you’ll be staring down Mitra in the same arena where you fought Ahriman. His opening move will always see him dash towards you for a physical strike. If you parry him, you’ll be able to send back a wave of energy that deals a hefty amount of damage so do your best to aim it straight back at him. Parry Focus will also pay dividends here as the slow down will allow you to land a few hits before Mitra regains his speed. It’s also possible that he’ll follow up with a quick jab which, given Ghostrunner 2‘s try-and-try-again mentality, will lose you the fight. Just block it or dodge out the way but be prepared for a sai strike out of no where.

From his opening move, he has a few options on how to engage with the rest of the fight. He’ll always jump away, often using a collection of grenades to cover his escape. Their damage radius is represented on the floor so just keep an eye out for them. You won’t be able to dash through them but they’re easy to dodge if you don’t just blindly run into them.

Mitra’s favorite move in this stage is leaping away and hurling a series of horizontal beams in your direction. He’ll switch between high shots and low shots; slide/duck under the high ones and jump over the low ones. Don’t just do this while standing still though, from my experience you need to close the gap if you want him to stop so keep pushing him through the barrage until you can land a shot that’ll bring him out of his frenzy. To make more room, he’ll often conclude this with a shockwave that will send Jack flying; it’s easy enough to simply dash back onto the platform.

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When Mitra shoots vertically into the air and holds his position for a second before throwing what I believe are kunai around the stage, you know you’re making some progress. The kunai will land in random spots and begin emitting energy waves that you’ll need to jump over. Don’t ignore them, the second they land focus you attention on them; use the gap jammer to pull them out or, if you’re close enough, just hack away at them with your sword. Once they’ve been destroyed, Ghostrunner 2 will slow down almost to a standstill as Mitra flies at you out of nowhere. You’re prompted to parry and given that time has (seemingly) frozen, all you need to do his hit the block button. Jack will land a few hits and Mitra will continue on with the same moveset. That’s energy beams, kunai, shockwave and the occasional physical rushdown.

How to Beat Mitra’s Second Phase in Ghostrunner 2

Once you’ve removed around a third of his health, both Jack and Mitra will be thrown into the Cybervoid. This is the platforming portion of this boss battle. Mitra will set up in the distance and shoot gigantic blasts of energy towards you. Obviously, you’ll have to avoid them so dash to the sides; up and over isn’t going to work for these. Of course, the hail of energy orbs turns this endeavor into somewhat of a bullet-hell as you leap around while trying to avoid hundreds of projectiles. This corridor section is the easiest Cybervoid challenge of this fight so prepare for some real bastards later on.

While it feels like you need to rush through this, you really don’t. Take as long as you need and move only when you’re confident you’ll be able to avoid whatever projectiles are coming your way. What’s great is that gravity in the Cybervoid is significantly less than in reality, so make use of your newfound super-jumps to clear the gaps between the moving platforms. Dashing also moves you much further, which is great for sticking the landing.

Fact of the matter is, there’s not much in the ways of tips or tricks in this section. Use your dash, jump and focus to avoid the projectiles while leap-frogging toward Mitra. Once you reach him, he’ll dash away to a different tower in the distance. Just use the launch pad and panels to parkour towards him and bring your sword down from up high.

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Once you’ve hit him in the Cybervoid, you’ll be back in reality. This serves as a checkpoint for this fight, so don’t let the pressure get to you! This section is very similar to Phase One but Mitra has upgraded some of his moves. His horizontal beams are still something to worry about but now he can also throw “X” shaped lasers in your direction; Sometimes in singles or doubles. They’re easy to avoid if you dash toward the empty spaces, just know that he feels those gaps up with a subsequent shot so you’ll never be able to simply dash forward.

The kunai are also back but now you have to destroy three (instead of the original two) to trigger the slowed-down parry. Mechanically, they’re identical so they’re fairly easy to destroy. When he only has a third of his health remaining, it’s time to get back into the Cybervoid.

How to Beat Mitra’s Third Phase

Starting off with a grind rail and several launchpads, this section doesn’t seem too challenging right up until you reach the part where three rails run parallel to each other. Not only are there energy barriers blocking up some of them, requiring Jack to leap from left to right, Mitra will also channel balls of energy down them. This means you’ll often need to leap to safety in the blink of a second. Focus can really come in handy here, so don’t forget or neglect it.

At the end, you’ll need to run across two vertical panels as Mitra throws more energy blasts your way. His aim is very poor in this section though, so just worry about sticking the landing. Make it to his platform, dish out a hit and prepare to be warped back to reality again for a brief interlude. From what I saw, his moveset is identical to Phase 2, so avoid those X-shots and kunai, and sneak in as much damage until he’s on a sliver of health.

Back into the Cybervoid for one last gauntlet! In a last ditch attempt at survival, Mitra will position himself on the other end of canon, blasting gigantic red waves of energy towards you. You can jump over them easily but the problem comes into timing your platforming. Leaping off a vertical panel only to fall straight into this attack is very frustrating.

For this final section, I recommend you use your Focus heavily. The waves coupled with the bullet-hell of balls whizzing towards you makes this very daunting. Again, there’s no real strategy to this other than being a little more patient than Ghostrunner 2 would like. Take it slow, move platform to platform without trying to skip any steps and you’ll eventually make it to Mitra at the end to land your a finishing blow.

How Ghostrunner 2 Ends

When you land your hit, the pair of you will be transported back to reality and you’ll be gifted with a cutscene of Jack taking down his foe. Congrats, you’ve beaten Ghostrunner 2‘s final boss and effectively finished the game.

With Mitra beaten in Ghostrunner 2, you may be looking to get some collectibles, so here’s a list of all the ones you can find in Chapter 17.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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