Video Games

How to Beat the Spurned Progeny Boss in Lords of the Fallen (LotF)

the spurned progeny boss looks down on enemy as part of a guide on how to beat the boss in Lords of the Fallen.

The Spurned Progeny might be one of the most frustrating boss encounters you’ll experience in a Soulslike game – let alone Lords of the Fallen – unless you know what’s coming. From one hit supernova moves to vomiting lava, this isn’t a fight you want to bang your head against for too long. If you’re having trouble with the Spurned Progeny boss in Lords of the Fallen (LotF), here’s our guide on how to beat it.

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How to Prepare for the Spurned Progeny Boss in Lords of the Fallen

First and foremost, you’ll want to use a Vestige Seed to spawn a rest spot right outside of the Spurned Progeny’s boss arena, which you’ll come to after climbing a fire-ridden tower and defeating an Infernal Enchantress at the end of the Calrath Slums. As it’s quite the hike to get back to him otherwise, this will save you time as you get used to his three phases and attacks. Otherwise, you’ll want to make sure you have a good ranged weapon before entering the arena, whether magic or a bow or crossbow. His second phase is much easier if you have ranged capabilities and a handful of Manastone Clusters or Ammunition Pouches.

How to Get Past Phase One of the Spurned Progeny

attacking the spurned progeny's legs as part of a guide on how to beat the boss in Lords of the Fallen.

The Spurned Progeny has three phases in Lords of the Fallen. First, he’ll take swipes at you on the ground while periodically summoning pillars of fire or trying to squish you with his rear-end. It’s not too difficult to stay out of the way of his swipes if you lock on to the emaciated foot – not the flaming one. However, dodging the fire pillars he summons can be quite the challenge as the fourth and last pillar spawns a fraction of a second after the other three. Furthermore, if you stray too far from him, he may slam the ground and spawn a wave of fire, or throw a massive fireball at you. Stick close to his feet.

Related: Is Lords of the Fallen Harder Than Lies of P?

How to Get Past Phase Two of the Spurned Progeny in LotF

Once you take off about a fifth of his health, the massive beast will quite literally begin vomiting lava. This is your cue to run up one of the nearby flights of stars, beginning his second phase. If you have magic to sling and lots of Manastone Clusters to use, this part of the fight is somewhat of a breeze as you can run between platforms, throw a couple spells – or shoot some arrows, if you have a good ranged weapon – while avoiding his fiery attacks: the fire pillars before and a massive fireball that’s quite easy to avoid if you keep moving.

If you don’t have any ranged weapons, you’ll have to dodge his incoming swipes and pounds before taking a few whacks at his hands, which both takes quite a long time, and with how hard he hits, can be incredibly dangerous. Regardless, roll to the right if he slams downward at you, as he may hit you with his elbow if you roll to the left.

How to Get Past Phase Three of the Spurned Progeny

the spurned progeny exploding as part of a guide on how to beat the boss in Lords of the Fallen.

Last, the Spurned Progeny will suddenly explode in a fiery supernova, killing you in one hit. You have to hide behind the little broken walls along pathways between platforms to avoid death, either running down to whack him when he’s done or slinging more spells from up above, as the lava below will have extinguished. Just be careful as if you don’t finish him off fast enough, he will explode again and you’ll need to quickly make your way back up to get back behind a broken wall.

When he’s dead, pat yourself on the back. You defeated the giant, creepy fire baby with a grotesque hand coming out of its mouth.

What Drops Do You Get for Beating the Spurned Progeny in Lords of the Fallen?

After beating the Spurned Progeny boss in Lords of the Fallen, you’ll get the following drops:

  • Vestige Seed
  • x8 Umbral Scouring
  • Spurned Progeny Flesh
  • Giant Eyeball

However, the true treasure is viewing the Stigma that gives a little background of the Spurned Progeny, as well as his Remembrance. You can then bring the Remembrance to Molhu in Skyrest Bridge to purchase the powerful Magna Surge spell along with the Charred Root ring, which allows you to cast Inferno spells without using an Inferno catalyst. If you have chosen the path of a fire-slinging Pyric Cultist, both of these you should definitely purchase; otherwise, save your Umbral Scourings for more boss items that otherwise fit your playstyle, and good luck as you journey up into Calrath Mining District and the Sunless Skein Mines.

If you’re looking for more on the game, check out our explanation for how to respec stats in Lords of the Fallen.

About the author

Lowell Bell
Lowell is a freelance contributor with The Escapist that began his career reporting on live events such as the Penny Arcade Expo and E3 back in 2012. Over the last couple of years, he carved a niche for himself covering competitive Pokémon as he transitioned into game criticism full time. About a decade ago, Lowell moved to Japan for a year or two but is still there, raising a Shiba Inu named Zelda with his wife while missing access to good burritos. He also has a love/hate relationship with Japanese role-playing games.
Lowell Bell
Lowell is a freelance contributor with The Escapist that began his career reporting on live events such as the Penny Arcade Expo and E3 back in 2012. Over the last couple of years, he carved a niche for himself covering competitive Pokémon as he transitioned into game criticism full time. About a decade ago, Lowell moved to Japan for a year or two but is still there, raising a Shiba Inu named Zelda with his wife while missing access to good burritos. He also has a love/hate relationship with Japanese role-playing games.

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