Video Games

How to Complete Mythical Dream in Coral Island

The Sacred Symbols in Coral Island

One of the earliest quests you can obtain in Coral Island also happens to be one that trips up many new players. Here’s how to complete Mythical Dream in Coral Island.

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How to Complete Mythical Dream in Coral Island

Shortly after arriving on Coral Island and beginning your new life as a farmer, you’ll be able to pick up this quest. I’m not entirely sure what prompts it to begin, but I did find that you’ll need to complete the Local Produce mission. I’m fairly confident that the goals are linked, but there may have been a factor I missed that contributed to the progression. Upon finishing up the aforementioned objective and meeting Sam, the owner of the General Store, you can head to bed to trigger Mythical Dream.

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As the name implies, your character will bear witness to a strange yet comforting dream that involves flower petals and plenty of sparkles. A strange voice will tell you to seek out any of the Sacred Trees on Coral Island, but you’re not really given any further details. When you wake up, your quest will be, you guessed it, to track down one of the aforementioned Sacred Trees. Coral Island doesn’t actually specify where you can find these mystical plants, but you should know that there are four scattered around the map. You’ll know them by the glowing yellow stone tablet stuck in front of their trunks, as well as the hazy green gas that surrounds the area.

For the sake of completing Mythical Dream, I suggest heading to the Sacred Tree in Startlet Town. You can find it just below Ling’s Lab; it’s in what looks like a little park that’s been specially built to house it. Approach the tree and interact with the glowing stone to watch a brief cutscene wherein an odd creature suddenly appears and then flees from you in a hurry. After that, you’ll be able to continue with your day as normal since your next objective in Mythical Dream is just listed as “??????”

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Coral Island map. This image is part of an article about how to complete Mythical Dream in Coral Island.

Don’t bother chasing after the creature, as you won’t be able to find it. I’ve seen several players looking for clarity on what they’re meant to do next to advance the quest, and the answer is simple: Keep playing Coral Island as you normally would. Eventually, you’ll need to go to bed, and when you do, you’ll witness yet another strange dream. When you wake up, you can head to your mailbox and find a letter from “Chieftain.” Written in broken English and a little how Yoda speaks, he requests that you find his home. That’s our next goal!

Fortunately, actually tracking down where Chieftain lives is fairly simple. Unlike the Sacred Tree, we have some kind of indicator of where to go. A collection of glowing leaves will begin swirling around the farm, so follow them West. Eventually, you’ll need to cross over a large, moss-covered tree trunk that serves as a bridge. On the other side, you’ll meet the Chieftain, who explains the visions you’ve been having in your dreams.

He’ll also detail what’s been happening to Coral Island, noting that he needs your help to push back all the corruption and pollution that’s been encroaching on the island. The Chieftain performs a ceremony that unlocks your farmer’s third eye, granting them the ability to read and understand languages that have long been lost to time.

The final step is to head East as the Chieftain says that you now have the necessary tools to access the Lake Temple. Arriving there, you’ll be greeted by the Lake Goddess, who makes a similar request: Help restore her power and rebuild her home to ensure Coral Island can return to how it was before civilization began destroying everything. Completing this will take some time, so prepare to continually check back at the Lake Temple with any offerings you might have for the Goddess. It’s similar to the community center in Stardew Valley, so just make sure you’re aware of what items you still need to donate. As far as I know, there’s no time limit on these, so just keep picking away at it when you have the time.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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