Video Games

How to Cure Overfull in Palworld

A group of creatures looking miserable as they work in something like a sweatshop.
Image via Pocketpair

While you’d think that Pals would love constantly being fed, you’d be wrong in your assumptions! Here’s how to cure the Overfull status in Palworld.

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How to Cure Overfull in Palworld

A line of Cattiva working in Palworld. This image is part of an article about how to cure overfull in Palworld.

Given Palworld‘s darker tone in comparison to other monster-catching RPGs, Overfull is a status effect that takes over your companions at random once they’ve endured a certain level of strife. Given that working your Pals to the bone causes them to accumulate Stress, Overfull is one of several random negative attributes that can plague your workers if they’re not given some time off to relax.

There’s no way to specifically avoid the Overfull status in Palworld, given that it seemingly occurs at random after feeding a Pal that’s either extremely stressed or starving. When a Pal is diagnosed as being Overfull, their Hunger meter will drain much faster than its cohorts, suggesting that they’ve become an insatiable eating machine that’s always trying to satisfy their need to consume. Grim!

Fortunately, it’s a relatively simple ailment to treat. All you have to do is allow a Pal some time to relax and aid them with Low Grade Medical Supplies. As the title suggests, these aren’t particularly difficult to craft. All you’ll need to have erected back at your base is a Medieval Medicine Workbench, which requires 30 Wood, five Nails, and 10 Paldium Fragments. Once that’s set up, assign a Pal with a decent medical skill to man the MMW and produce the Low Grade Medical Supplies. You’ll need to spend five Red Berries and two Horns to make a single dose. Alternatively, you could just purchase some from various merchants for 240 gold, but that’s a steep price to pay for something that’s so cheap to produce.

Related: All Elements & Weaknesses in Palworld

How to Avoid Overfull in Palworld

The best treatment for any illness is prevention! Given that Overfull only afflicts Pals who are running low on Sanity in Palworld, you’ll need to construct a few things to help them relax a bit around camp.

The most important items are beds, providing Pals with a place to sleep during the night. You should also erect a couple of Feed Boxes and ensure that they’re always stocked with various treats for your crew to nibble. Lastly, when you get a chance, construct the Hot Spring and place your more anxious Pals in it for a while. This is probably the best way to improve their Sanity level and ensure that they don’t develop Overfull or any other negative mental afflictions.

And that’s how you cure Overfull in Palworld.

Palworld Early Access is available now.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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