Video Games

How to Get Bombardier Padewakang Blueprints in Skull & Bones

Image of pirate ship sailing the seven seas during daytime in Skull & Bones. This image is part of an article about how to unlock new ships in Skull & Bones.
Image via Ubisoft

One of the first medium-sized ships you can get in Skull & Bones will be the Padewakang-class Bombardier, a DPS-styled ship for dealing bonus damage to structures. To make this vessel, here’s a guide on how to get the Bombardier Padewakang ship blueprints in Skull & Bones.

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Where & How to Get Bombardier Padewakang Ship Blueprints in Skull & Bones

Image of pirates standing on deck of ship looking out at a sunset in Skull & Bones artwork. This image is part of an article about How to Get Bombardier Padewakang Ship Blueprints in Skull and Bones.

The ship blueprints for the Bombardier Padewakang can be tricky to acquire at the beginning of Skull & Bones because you’ll have to cross dangerous waters to reach a Pirate Den known as Telok Penjarah. The haven is northeast of Saint-Anne, deep within the East Indies, meaning you must cross open waters where threats are bound to travel through. For instance, you may encounter high-ranking enemy ships that will absolutely curb-stomp your vessel early on.

If you want to make the voyage, I’d recommend avoiding these ships as best as possible. Sail exactly northeast from Sainte-Anne until you hit a strait – a narrow sea passage between pieces of East Indies land – and continue east to find Telok Penjarah. Once there, head to the Pirate Den’s Shipwright and purchase the Bombardier Padewakang ship blueprint in Skull & Bones.

The blueprint will cost 5,280 Silver, plus you’ll need to be at least Brigand Infamy Rank to purchase the goods from the Shipwright. From here, all you’d need to do to build the Bombardier Padewakang ship is to collect the proper resources.

Related: How to Change Your Appearance in Skull & Bones

How to Build Bombardier Padewakang Ship in Skull & Bones

Now that you have the blueprint, you can head to any Shipwright at a Pirate Den to build the Bombardier Padewakang in Skull & Bones. The following will list the materials you’ll need to make the vessel:

  • 18 Ironwood Planks
  • 15 Steel Ingots
  • 15 Fine Ramie
  • 2,880 Silver
  • Four Crude Saltpeter
  • Four Shellac

Related: How to Complete A Pirate’s Deal in Skull & Bones

How to Increase Infamy Rank in Skull & Bones

If you’re at a lower Rank and can’t purchase the Bombardier Padewakang ship blueprints yet, the best way to increase Infamy Rank will be to destroy enemy vessels, complete contracts, and other objectives until you can in Skull & Bones. Additionally, don’t forget to explore the seas and harvest resources like Acacia to build up your Infamy Rank.

The higher your Infamy Rank becomes, the easier it’ll get to gain access to powerful resources and ship blueprints to really level up your reputation among pirates.

Skull & Bones is now available in open beta on PC, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, and PS4.

About the author

Anthony Jones
Anthony is a Strategic Content Writer for the The Escapist and an RPG nerd in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He has over two years experience as a games reporter with words at IGN, Game Informer, Distractify, Twinfinite, MMOBomb, and elsewhere. More than anything, Anthony loves to talk your ear off about JRPGs that changed his childhood (which deserve remakes) and analyzing the design behind beloved titles.
    Anthony Jones
    Anthony is a Strategic Content Writer for the The Escapist and an RPG nerd in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He has over two years experience as a games reporter with words at IGN, Game Informer, Distractify, Twinfinite, MMOBomb, and elsewhere. More than anything, Anthony loves to talk your ear off about JRPGs that changed his childhood (which deserve remakes) and analyzing the design behind beloved titles.

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