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How to Get Moray Eels in Dave the Diver

Here is how to get Moray Eels in Dave the Diver by waiting until nighttime and making a slightly more dangerous journey.

There are tons of fish and other sea creatures to be captured throughout your exploration of the big blue hole in the sea in Dave the Diver. You’ll come across some species though, like Moray Eels, that you just can’t figure out how to capture. They poke out of rock formations, and no matter how you shoot your Harpoon, it just bounces off the rocks. There is always a solution though, and I’ll walk you through how you can get some of those slippery Moray Eels in Dave the Diver.

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How to Get Moray Eels in Dave the Diver at Night

You’ll need to have advanced through the game far enough to have unlocked the ability to go for a dive at night. Normally at this time you’d head over to the Sushi Restaurant to help out Bancho, and the game will still prompt you to do so. However, in exchange for a shorter service time in the restaurant, you can actually go for a dive at nighttime, which not only looks different but completely changes up the fish and other sea creatures present.

There will be a ton more dangerous and hostile fish and sea creatures everywhere, so be prepared for that. There are also a lot more high-value fish in turn though, which can be very nice when you have better upgraded gear to easily take on the danger. The other thing that changes at nighttime is that the Moray Eels will no longer be hiding in their rock formations; they will now be out swimming around. They are hostile and have a good amount of health, so you will need to wear them down a bit first. Then you’ll be able to harpoon and reel them in to capture them.

Here is how to get Moray Eels in Dave the Diver by waiting until nighttime and making a slightly more dangerous journey.

That’s how you can capture yourself some Moray Eels in Dave the Diver. The night diving is a really cool feature, and you get some excellent risk-reward going on, which opens up more opportunities like being able to capture the usually elusive Moray Eels!

For more, here is how to catch a Jellyfish in Dave the Diver.

About the author

Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).
Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).

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