
How to Get To Diablo 3‘s Retro-Tristram Secret Cow Level

There’s a new “secret cow level” hidden in Diablo 3‘s 20th anniversary update. Here’s how to get there.

Hidden in Diablo 3‘s 20th Anniversary Event is yet another “secret cow level”, although this one may in fact be the original one. The progenitor cow level, if you will.

The 20th anniversary event takes you back in time to the Tristram of the very first Diablo title, and has players delve into the dungeon to slay the Lord of Terror for the last, first time. Before you start delving, you’ll be able to wander around the original town, complete with the original, infamous cows that led to the (fake) secret cow level legend of the original game. Unlike the original game though, it is possible to get there this time, and even obtain yourself a sweet cow pet. Here’s how:

  1. Collect the Rotten Mushroom
    The Rotten Mushroom is a white item dropped on level nine of the anniversary dungeon.
  2. Craft the Witch’s Brew
    Back in old Tristram, take the first right into the curved detour and you’ll find a cauldron in an old shack. Click on it and you’ll automatically use the Rotten Mushroom to create the Witch’s Brew.
  3. Revive Farnham
    Take the Witch’s Brew to the cluster of burnt-out buildings in the middle of town. Find a dead corpse called “Farhnam” and use the brew to make his ghost appear. His ghost will give you the Drunkard’s Debt item.
  4. Revive the other villagers
    Take the Drunkard’s Debt to Ogden. He’ll give you Garda’s Letter. Take Garda’s Letter to Pepin. He’ll give you a Healer’s Prescription. Take the Healer’s Prescription to Grisworld, and you’ll finally get the Schematics for a Child’s Wooden Leg. Take those schematics back to the blacksmith in the real world and he will let you craft Wirt’s Leg!
  5. Craft and dismantle Wirt’s Leg
    Crafting Wirt’s Leg doesn’t require any special materials, but will set you back one million gold. Once you have crafted it, immediately salvage it, and you will acquire the Map of The Stars.
  6. Revive the Cows
    Take the Map of The Stars back to old Tristram. Find the cows to the right of the witch’s shack. Revive the cows in the order described in the map (it should be 2, 1, 3 – corresponding to middle, left, then right).
  7. Claim your pet!
    If you’ve followed all the steps correctly, you’ll gain access to a secret level, containing a chest that holds the Royal Calf pet. From the descriptions of the event, and the item, it appears that the player stealing this poor little calf is what caused the Hell Bovines to go all berserk in the first place. So congratulations for going back in time and starting a chain reaction that would persist throughout the entire Diablo universe.

Source: reddit

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