Video Games

How to Solve the Church Stained Glass Puzzle in Resident Evil 4

Here is everything you need to know about how to solve the stained glass church puzzle in the Resident Evil 4 remake with the Blue Dial.

Despite the remake of Resident Evil 4 leaning hard on the horror and action sides of the series, it’s easy to forget that there are actually a handful of puzzles throughout the game. They may not be the most complicated puzzles in the world, but like all Resident Evil puzzles, they can serve as a nice little distraction between the larger set pieces and give your brain a different type of challenge to overcome. One of the earliest puzzles in the Resident Evil 4 remake is the puzzle that takes place in a church in the village section that involves moving around pieces of stained glass that may get the better of first-time players: Here’s how you solve the puzzle!

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Use the Blue Dial to Solve the Church Stained Glass Puzzle in Resident Evil 4 Remake

The stained glass puzzle takes place right at the end of Chapter 4 after you defeat El Gigante. Once you’ve made your way back to the church with the key and unlocked it, you’ll find an empty hall with a locked door on the left with no key slot and a giant stained glass mural in the middle of the church. First, go right of the room and collect the items that you find, including the Blue Dial. You can’t even begin the puzzle unless you collect this item, so make sure you do so.

Here is everything you need to know about how to solve the stained glass church puzzle in the Resident Evil 4 remake with the Blue Dial.

Once you have collected the Blue Dial, make your way to the pulpit at the end of the church and look left. You should see a lever. Pull the lever and two colored dials, a green one and a red one, will reveal themselves. Head up to the two dials and place the Blue Dial in the device. Now, you can begin the puzzle.

The goal of the puzzle is to line up the three different colors in order for them to perfectly line up with each other and create the symbol for Los Illuminados in the stained glass. To do so, you’ll need to rotate the colors one at a time, but you should begin with the Green Dial. Start by rotating the dial until the point at the top of the sigil is surrounded by green. If done properly, the space between the top and bottom wings of the symbol should be filled with green as well.

Next, head over to the Red Dial and rotate it until the tip of the two top points is surrounded by red. If done correctly, the right half of the bottom of the sigil should have red right up against it as well.

Finally, head over to the Blue Dial and rotate it until the rest of the white spaces have been filled in. If you’re having trouble, try to line up the blue with the left side of the bottom of the sigil much in the same way the red is lined up with the right section. If done correctly, the gate should open up and you’re free to go rescue Ashley now!

Here is everything you need to know about how to solve the stained glass church puzzle in the Resident Evil 4 remake with the Blue Dial.

That’s everything you need to know about how to solve the stained glass puzzle in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

About the author

Jesse Lab
Jesse Lab is a freelance writer for The Escapist and has been a part of the site since 2019. He currently writes the Frame Jump column, where he looks at and analyzes major anime releases. He also writes for the film website Jesse has been a gamer since he first played Pokémon Snap on the N64 and will talk to you at any time about RPGs, platformers, horror, and action games. He can also never stop talking about the latest movies and anime, so never be afraid to ask him about recommendations on what's in theaters and what new anime is airing each season.
    Jesse Lab
    Jesse Lab is a freelance writer for The Escapist and has been a part of the site since 2019. He currently writes the Frame Jump column, where he looks at and analyzes major anime releases. He also writes for the film website Jesse has been a gamer since he first played Pokémon Snap on the N64 and will talk to you at any time about RPGs, platformers, horror, and action games. He can also never stop talking about the latest movies and anime, so never be afraid to ask him about recommendations on what's in theaters and what new anime is airing each season.

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