Video Games

How to Turn Off Low HP Heartbeat Effect in Diablo 4

If you’ve jumped into the Diablo 4 early access beta for people who pre-ordered (or received a code from ordering a Double Down from KFC), you may have noticed a very off putting and irritating effect. Any time your HP falls below a certain threshold, your screen edges fill with a red effect and an uncomfortable heartbeat sound effect starts constantly playing. This article takes a look into if there is anything that can be done about it.

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How to Turn Off Low HP Heartbeat Effect in Diablo 4 

After going through all the settings available in the beta version of Diablo 4, I can say that unfortunately there is currently no way to remove the screen wide effect and no options to disable the heartbeat sound effect either. Hopefully the developer Blizzard Entertainment will hear enough feedback on people not liking this effect and tone it down or at least provide an option in the accessibility settings to be able to disable it for Diablo 4’s full release on June 6th.

In the meantime, there is really only one way that you can mitigate the sound effect, which is to lower the effects volume in the settings. It does the trick, but it’s not a great workaround as you won’t then be able to hear most of the other actually cool sound effects in Diablo 4.

How to Turn Off Low HP Heartbeat Sound Effect in Diablo 4 Beta

It’s a shame that there isn’t any option to disable the low HP heartbeat effect in the Diablo 4 beta, so it’s something that even more players will just have to put up with in the open beta this coming weekend. Let’s all hope that Blizzard hears the complaints and addresses it sooner rather than later.

If you missed out on the early access beta, you might be interested in knowing your pre-order options for Diablo 4, or maybe you’re curious about the tweaks that Blizzard has made to combat for this latest entry.

About the author

Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).
Alex Berry
Alex Berry is a freelance contributor at The Escapist. His coverage ranges from funny takes on the latest games to a whole bunch of guide content. Alex is a jack of all trades when it comes to games, playing almost every new title that shows promise. From RPGs to shooters, all the way through to sports games, he plays it all, although he does have a soft spot for turn-based RPGs having started out his gaming journey with a copy of Pokémon Red on the original Game Boy. Alex has a master's degree in Business and is fascinated by online game economies, often spending a lot of time finding ways to maximize wealth in these games (but he should really be doing that in real life instead).

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