
Humble Indie Bundle 4 is a Meaty Slab of Awesome

The Humble Indie Bundle 4 is here, and it is a killer!

I’ve never been entirely comfortable with “best ever!” superlatives but holy crap, check this one out. The Humble Indie Bundle 4 brings you Jamestown, Bit.Trip Runner, Super Meat Boy, Shank and NightSky HD, plus for those who pay more than the average [which, as usual, is ridiculously low], Gratuitous Space Battles and Cave Story+! That is a phenomenal pile of gaming.

You know the deal: pay what you want – the average price is currently sitting at a little under five bucks – support Child’s Play, the EFF, the indie studios and the Humble Bundle guys in whatever portion you see fit, everything runs natively in Linux and OS X as well as Windows and it’s all completely DRM-free. The games can be downloaded stand-alone or through Steam, but of course they won’t be DRM-free that way.

Okay, you know what? I’m calling it – Best Humble Indie Bundle Ever! The response so far would seem to support that conclusion, too; the HIB4 has only been up for a few hours and it’s already sold nearly 47,000 copies, totaling roughly $230,000. I think that when this is all over, we could very well be looking at a new Humble Bundle heavyweight champ.

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