
Humble Origin Bundle Breaks $5 Million

The Humble Origin Bundle has topped $5 million in less than two days.

On August 14, we brought your attention to the Humble Origin Bundle, an EA-powered collection of games including Dead Space 1 and 3 (no idea where DS2 is), Crysis 2 Maximum Edition, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Mirror’s Edge, Medal of Honor and, for those who forked over more than the average, Battlefield 3 and The Sims 3 Starter Pack. It’s not a bad collection at all, especially for less than the cost of a half-decent burger, but the fact that EA and Origin were front-and-center made it look a little… well, you know how people feel about EA and Origin.

And yet here we are: On August 16, less than 48 hours later, more than one million people have dropped coin on this thing, raising a little over $5.2 million at last look, a figure that continues to climb (the Humble Bundle site updates in something close to real-time) and will likely be over $5.3 million in short order.

Srange, no? Origin is easy to hate but it’s hard to argue against Dead Space 3 or Mirror’s Edge (or whatever’s in this list that you haven’t played) for a dollar. And let us not forget that EA isn’t actually getting any money out of this; all of it, minus an undisclosed slice for the Humble Bundle guys, is going to some very worthy charities: the Human Rights Campaign, Watsi, the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, the American Red Cross and the American Cancer Society.

Make of it what you will. The Humble Origin Bundle will be available until 11 am PDT on August 28, and despite a few big spenders the average price is still under five bucks.

Source: Humble Bundle

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