
Inside Hyboria – An introduction

Call it bragging rights, fame or even infamy. Regardless its something almost every MMO:er in the world wants but rarely gets. We all have stories we tell from our ingame adventures, stories that deserve a better fate than oblivion. As I was approved to join the esteemed Warcry staff for Age of Conan, this I felt was my main issue to adress. My name is Lexion and I will be bringing you the tales and ends (no pun intended) from inside Hyboria.

An online game without it´s community is like a gladiator arena without a blood thirsty crowd, screaming and shouting for the demise of the combatants… rather pointless. It´s a sort of symbiotic, bordering on parasitic relationship; one can not exist with out the other.

So if Age of Conan is the arena, the players are the gladiators and the community the crowd… where does it place the author of this article? Right here, writing down every drop of spilled blood and sweat for your starving eyes.


“If you are the soldier, this column is the battle report you read while downing another ale at the tavern.”

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Age of Conan is one of those MMO:s that is blessed with a strong following, a community filled with the anticipant fans of Robert E Howard´s work along with the hardcore gamers, young and old just waiting to burst through the beta gates to make a name for themselves in the rough lands of Hyboria. This makes the game so much more interesting and it gives this author the chance to really get down and dirty with the dynamics and synergy of what looks to be the MMO of the decade.

Throughout the weeks, months and years of the Hyborian age I will track those respected enough, evil enough, merciless enough to be mentioned and maybe throw in a few mishaps and miscredits in the mix as well. Consider this column to be the ghost written story of your ingame progress, your rise to fame, your murder spree, your conflicts and alliances, your…well you get the picture. If you are the soldier, this column is the battle report you read while downing another ale at the tavern. With this column you can actually die AND hear what people are saying about you. Now, if that isn´t a luxury I don´t know what is. You can also expect a mass amount of my own thoughts regarding the MMO world and especially PvP seeing it´s one of my favourite pleasures.


“The aim for the author is to complement Mr. Ixolite´s Guild column and Weezers hands-on reports as we cover all the aspects of the game.”

It´s really all about the word on the street; I find a nice crafted weapon, I´ll tell you who I bought it from. I visit a friendly town, I´ll point you there. I see a sweet decapitation, you will hear of it (though not from the mouth of the decapitated!). There are of course more rabbits in my hat, more tricks up my sleeve than plain old name dropping which you will probably be aware of in due time.

The aim for the author is to complement Mr. Ixolite´s Guild column and Weezers hands-on reports as we cover all the aspects of the game. Even though I´m not as eloquent as Weezer or as informative as Mr. Ixolite I believe these reports will be fun, interesting and expand the borders of Hyboria just a little bit further.

That´s quite enough for an introduction. In the next issue of Inside Hyboria Ill dig deep into the FFA issue and what´s really being discussed on the official forums, don´t miss it as I´ll fling out a name or two to get things good and cooking.

I´ll see you all then, have a great week!

Lexion – The wicked kid with the magnifying glass.

A last few words;

Any tips, hearsay, rumours, lies, banter, shoutouts, threats, announcements or even challenges that you feel you want to share with the community just shoot me a PM here on WarCry or mail me at: lionmartinez[at]gmail.com and I´ll see what I can do, thank you.

– Lexion

About the author

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