
Irish Creatives Turn Client Criticism Into Comedy Gold

The dog is off-brand? HOW CAN A DOG BE OFF-BRAND? Don’t listen to him, puppy.

You work for someone. I work for someone. And in that working relationship madness lies, because lurking behind the scenes is the client, who is always right. Except when he, she or it says something incredibly stupid, in which case he, she or it is also always right, but dumb as a bag of rocks. Ireland has its fair share of rock heads, and a bunch of its ad creatives, designers, directors and other long-suffering individuals got together to share the pain by creating posters, illustrating the best worst feedback they ever received. Enjoy!

Here’s hoping the Sharp Suits collective, as the group likes to be known, will return to the theme sooner rather than later. There was a time when it was selling poster-size prints to benefit Temple Street, but alas, no longer. That said, if you want to send it a message, the collective’s happy to hear all your praise at [email protected].

Source: Sharp Suits

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Jazzpunk Review – Spy Humor

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