
Jack Thompson Lawsuit Against Florida Bar Dismissed


Jack Thompson’s lawsuit against the Florida Bar has been dismissed, clearing the way for his Bar disciplinary trial to begin on November 26.

In his ruling, Judge Adalberto Jordan found that none of Thompson’s claims, including bias, bad faith prosecution and “extraordinary circumstances” were valid. The 24-page ruling (available from addresses each of Thompson’s charges, ultimately dismissing the complaint without prejudice and denying all pending motions as moot.

In response, Thompson filed an emergency motion (available from to stay the Bar’s disciplinary hearings so that he can appeal the ruling, claiming some form of collusion between two courts to ensure Judge Jordan did not risk “looking foolish by dismissing an action from which he might have been disqualified.” Thompson went on to claim that Judge Jordan’s “many factual errors” and “misstatements of the applicable law” will form the basis of his appeal, and that the delay will not ultimately affect the action between the Bar and Thompson.

“The Bar will not in the least be prejudiced by the entry of such an order staying the trial, as the Bar has managed, by its 40-month-long harrassment of Thompson, to utterly destroy his practice of law, so Thompson is not in a position to harm “the public,” none of whom, by the way, has ever complained about Thompson’s ethics,” he wrote in his filing. “Indeed, the only people who have complained are two corrupt judges and two companies that criminally distribute pornography to children.”

Thompson then went on to compare himself to Jesus.

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