
Jack Thompson Squeals On Strauss Zelnick To His Mom


With the release of Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto IV looming, Jack Thompson predictably has made his presence felt in a most unpredictable manner – by writing a letter to Strauss Zelnick’s mom.

The letter to the Take-Two Chairman’s mother was actually delivered to his lawyer, as per the requirements of a settlement that restricts Thompson’s communications with Take-Two to its legal counsel. The letter, posted on Shacknews, appears inspired by comments Zelnick made at last week’s annual Take-Two shareholders meeting, at which he said, “My mom couldn’t write better reviews” than the ones he had seen for Grand Theft Auto IV. Thompson, assuming that Mrs. Zelnick hasn’t actually played the game herself, suggested in his letter that she either do so or find a gamer to play it for her, adding that she should try to find one “who hasn’t killed someone yet.”

Thompson goes on to claim that “the recent plethora of cop killings is caused in part by your darling son’s entrepreneurial energy,” and also referenced his appearance on 60 Minutes, quoted the Bible, and compared “little Strauss” to a member of the Hitler Youth. In his conclusion, Thompson wrote, “Happy Mother’s Day, Mrs. Zelnick, which this year is May 11, two weeks after your son unleashes porn and violence upon other mothers’ boys. I’m sure you’re very proud.”

Speaking to Diehard Gamefan, Thompson said, “You’re familiar with the concept of ‘shame,’ right? He can show it to his mother or not, but of course he won’t because he wouldn’t want his mother to know what he does and how he harms other people’s kids.” Thompson’s letter to Strauss’ mom can be read in its entirety here.

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