
Jane Jensen’s Moebius Comes to Life

It’s finally time for an up-close look at Moebius, the new paranormal adventure coming from Gabriel Knight creator Jane Jensen.

It was nearly a year ago that Moebius was revealed to the world as a “spiritual successor” to the Gabriel Knight games, Sierra’s famed supernatural adventure series that ran through the 90s. Little was said about it at the time except that it would be a 2D point-and-click adventure starring a rather Knight-ish sounding character by the name of Malachi Rector, all as you’d expect.

Now it’s time to actually take a real look at the thing, thanks to the newly-launched Moebius website, which sets the table for Rector’s adventures. He’s an antiques appraiser with a photographic memory and a “genius for history” who finds himself contracted by a shadowy government agency to investigate the life of a dead woman. The job will take him to Venice, Cairo, Paris, Zurich and Washington DC, but as he digs, he learns that there’s more going on than he ever suspected – and that his own life is now in danger.

Moebius is apparently the “first full adventure” Jensen has designed since Gray Matter, which came out in 2010, and the first she has designed/directed since Gabriel Knight 3, all the way back in 1999 – the difference being (I’m guessing) that Moebius is being developed by Jensen’s own Pinkteron Road studio, giving her a firmer hand on the tiller.

Jensen plans to show Moebius for the first time at E3 in June, and a demo will be released the same month. For fans of old-school adventure games, and especially the Gabriel Knight series (which had, and has, a very dedicated fan base), it’s pretty exciting stuff. If that’s your crowd, you can find out more about the game at

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