
John Romita Sr & Jr Team Up for Upcoming Superman Issue

John Romita Sr and John Romita Jr

Father and son team up in issue #34 of DC’s Superman, which will feature art from both John Romita Sr. and Jr.

DC’s Superman #34, due out next Wednesday, is shaping up to to be an amazing issue. Not only will it contain the newest installment in writer Geoff John’s and illustrator John Romita Jr.’s critically-acclaimed story featuring the Man of Steel, but it will also feature a special variant cover by the artist’s father, John Romita Sr.

Best known for his work with the legendary Steve Ditko in Vol. 1 of Amazing Spider Man, this marks the first contribution Romita Sr. has made to DC in over 50 years. “I worked there in prehistoric times for about eight years,” he joked in an exclusive interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “It was between 1958 and ’65. In those eight years, I did a lot of romance comics.” This is also the first time the artist has ever illustrated Superman on the cover of a comic book. “I’ve done a few sketches when we used to do crossovers, and a couple of paperback covers that had Superman on them, and I’ve done Superman on sketches for kids on conventions,” he said. The cover sees Romita Sr. temporarily stepping out of retirement- but as he jokes, “I’ve been coming out of retirement for sixteen years! They don’t leave me alone.”

Superman #34 also contains the first appearance of a new Superman villain known as the Machinist who was exclusively designed by Romita Jr. The second generation comic artist told The Hollywood Reporter that when he started his run on the series back in June, he “was a little bit intimidated knowing that I was going to be doing the first superhero.” That nervousness vanished as soon as he started working with Johns on the title. “I realized I’m still in the same business, it’s just a different costume, and I felt more comfortable,” he said.

Included in the gallery below is Romita Sr.’s variant cover for Superman #34, as well as the regular cover and a page featuring The Machinist.

Been reading DC’s Superman since the creative change? Share your thoughts on the monthly title in the comments!

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Source: Newsarama via The Hollywood Reporter

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