
Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo and Geto Have The Ultimate Relationship

Jujutsu Kaisen Gojo and Geto

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Jujutsu Kaisen and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 in its discussion of the relationship between Gojo and Geto.

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There are so many iconic relationships in fiction. They’re usually what makes a story fascinating. It usually comes down to the impact that relationship has on the characters and the events of the story. One modern relationship that I believe has become particularly noteworthy is that of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto from Jujutsu Kaisen.

Within a relatively short space of time, the story of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto has cemented itself as one of brotherhood, tragedy, and kinship.

A beautiful balancing act

When we meet young Gojo and Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen they are essentially the opposing weights on a scale, balancing each other. Gojo keeps Geto upbeat and happy. He shines a light on the young man who knows what evil tastes like. Geto, perhaps, does something far more important. He grounds a god. Geto reminds Gojo of his humanity, making sure he understands that he shouldn’t give in to his more chaotic nature, even though few could stop him. They are contemporaries in spirit and mind; this is the reason for their kinship.

This bond is bolstered when they take on a critical mission: to protect the Star Plasma Vessel. In taking on this charge, they essentially became doting parents to young orphan Riko, the child they adopted. They see her off to school; they protect her from those who wish her harm; they even take her to the beach — giving her memories that she’ll have for the rest of her life.

A family that was shattered and the world that suffered because of it

They live the life of a family, with Gojo being the fun-loving parent and Geto being the no-nonsense parent. This norm is tragically shattered when Toji Fugushiro, “The Sorcerer Killer” takes Riko from them. He kills their child, shattering the family they didn’t know they needed. Gojo and Geto would have fought the world for Riko, but in the end, they failed her. It changes both young men irrevocably, setting them on different paths and setting up the tragic events moving forward in Jujutsu Kaisen.

It pushes them both to the extremes of their personalities. Gojo gives into his impish nature. Deciding he needs no one to help him (he is the strongest after all), Geto realises he never wants to lose anyone again. He decides that to ensure that happens, he needs to root out the very core of the evil that is hurting those like him, non-sorcerers.

The ramifications of these choices ultimately lead to Gojo killing Geto in Jujutsu Kaisen 0. Unfortunately, by then the events set in place are out of their control. Countless lives continue to be lost because of Gojo and Geto and the dissolution of their relationship.

Jujutsu Kaisen and those who came before

Other duos in fiction have similar relationships to that portayed in Jujutsu Kaisen. However, as I look back on them, I find it is usually one-sided or not as impactful. One that comes to mind is Naruto and Sasuke from Naruto.

Many will see them as having a robust and compelling relationship. Taking a closer look, though, it becomes apparent that it is quite one-sided for about 90% of the story. Naruto is chasing after a person who does not want to be found. It’s only after much soul-searching away from Naruto that Sasuke comes around to the wannabe-Hokage’s way of thinking.

There are also duos like Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald from the Harry Potter spin-off Fantastic Beasts. Though it is a fascinating relationship with a lot of complexity, it still feels half-baked at times. And we hardly get enough time to see the full scope of their story, which is a shame because they’re another of my favourite duos.

When I look for interesting series or films to watch, what I look for is the characters and their relationships. After all, they usually push the narrative. With Jujutsu Kaisen I found one of the most compelling relationships in the form of that between Gojo and Geto. I believe their relationship transcends the norm, whether it be family or even lovers. It is ineffable, and that’s what makes it so beautiful and brutal.

About the author

Graham Day
Graham has been writing online for close to a decade. This includes writing about games, books, films and so much more. He loves stories of all kinds across every form of media. For the Escapist he tries to come up with his own unique angles on the stories we adore. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and has been an actor, an amateur animator, writer and artist. He also runs his own website based in Ireland.
    Graham Day
    Graham has been writing online for close to a decade. This includes writing about games, books, films and so much more. He loves stories of all kinds across every form of media. For the Escapist he tries to come up with his own unique angles on the stories we adore. He was born in Dublin, Ireland and has been an actor, an amateur animator, writer and artist. He also runs his own website based in Ireland.

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