
Lego The Hobbit Trailer Embarks On A Bricky Journey

The debut Lego The Hobbit trailer invites you on a journey through the blockiest forest and the brickiest caves.

It’s a bit odd that The Hobbit is a trilogy but Lego The Hobbit only covers the first two films, An Unexpected Journey and Desolation of Smaug, but I suppose it’s just as easy to say it’s a bit odd that The Hobbit is a trilogy when the novel upon which it’s based is a single work, so rather than obsessing over these little bits of trivia I suggest we all just enjoy the trailer, which, as we’ve come to expect from Lego games, looks rather good.

It appears that the game will be perhaps a bit more light-hearted than the novel (although it’s been many years since I’ve read The Hobbit, so maybe it was more of a romp than I recall) and it also promises to offer “the most diverse quests of any Lego videogame to date.” Look for Lego The Hobbit to launch in the spring of 2014 for (take a breath) the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PC, Mac and 3DS.

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