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Live A Live Creator Wants to Make a Sequel (If Square Would Let Him)

When asked if he would want to create a sequel, series creator Takashi Tokita said he hopes he can make Live A Live 2 at Square Enix.
Provided by Square Enix / illustrator Yoshiura-san

Following its long-anticipated launch on Nintendo Switch last year, Live A Live recently launched on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam. As part of its publicity, Square Enix wheeled out the game’s creator to answer a bunch of simple “yes” or “no” questions about it. However, one of those questions couldn’t receive a simple yes/no. When asked if he would ever make a sequel to Live A Live, creator Takashi Tokita put his hands together and bowed, with text of “I hope so…” appearing on screen in English and Japanese. Live A Live originally released for Super Famicom in 1994, yet this throwaway answer in a one-minute Square Enix social media post is the closest we’ve ever gotten to Live A Live 2.

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It’s no secret that I love Live A Live, as I’m actually the person who first reported that a US trademark had been filed for the game back in 2020. I also loved the HD-2D remake on Switch last year, as the game received a beautiful visual and audio overhaul while retaining all the varied and exciting elements of the original release. The disconnected, episodic nature of Live A Live would lend itself especially well to a sequel too.

Here’s hoping Live A Live sells well enough across its various new platforms that Takashi Tokita can make Live A Live 2. At the least, Square Enix should let the man make something new. He’s the guy who helmed the development of Final Fantasy IV, after all!

About the author

John Friscia
Former Managing Editor at The Escapist. I have been writing about video games since 2018 and editing writing on IT, project management, and video games for around a decade. I have an English degree, but Google was a more valuable learning resource. I taught English in South Korea for a year in 2018, and it was exponentially more fun than living in Pennsylvania. My major passions in life are SNES, Japanese RPGs, Berserk, and K-pop. I'm currently developing the game Boss Saga with my brother, which is guaranteed to change your life and you should buy it.
John Friscia
Former Managing Editor at The Escapist. I have been writing about video games since 2018 and editing writing on IT, project management, and video games for around a decade. I have an English degree, but Google was a more valuable learning resource. I taught English in South Korea for a year in 2018, and it was exponentially more fun than living in Pennsylvania. My major passions in life are SNES, Japanese RPGs, Berserk, and K-pop. I'm currently developing the game Boss Saga with my brother, which is guaranteed to change your life and you should buy it.

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