
Live Action Robotech Movie Franchise Announced

Because more is always better, right?

Robotech Title Screen

Robotech, the classic sci-fi anime epic, is not only coming to the big screen near you but will apparently be bringing along a few friends. Sony has announced that instead of one solitary movie, there are plans to implement an entire franchise of Robotech films.

Sony Pictures’ Michael De Luca, one member of the team responsible for the project, stated that “‘Robotech is unique in that it has always been a marriage of spectacle with human characters that seem drawn from life.”

Producers Gianni Nunnari and Mark Canton of 300 and Immortals fame are developing the film, with writer Michael Gordon (also from 300) creating the screenplay. According to Nunnari,

“[Canton] and I knew [Robotech] had what big movies in today’s world must have if they want to grab everyone: insane visuals AND powerful themes. The characters in Robotech wrestle with both the destructive and redemptive powers of technology; nothing is more relevant today than that.”

Although the portrayal of technology as a push-and-pull between good and evil isn’t new to big budget films, I’ll be interested to see this team’s take on how that translates to Robotech on the big screen.

How do you feel with Nunnari, Canton, and Gordon in the cockpit?

Source: io9, via Coming Soon

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