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Loki Season 2, Episode 4, Recap: Cut to Black

An image from Loki Season 2, Episode 4, as part of a recap.

Warning: The following recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 4, “Heart of the TVA,” contains spoilers for the Marvel Cinematic Universe show.

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The fourth episode of Loki Season 2, titled “Heart of the TVA,” immediately answers the question teased at the end of last week’s installment: What does Miss Minutes know that will make Ravonna Renslayer “real angry?” The answer isn’t all that shocking but it does set up some wild possibilities that will have fans clamoring for the final two episodes of Loki Season 2.

Miss Minutes Recaps Renslayer’s Secret History in Loki

Miss Minutes reveals — via memories projected on the wreckage of He Who Remains’ domain — that Renslayer was He Who Remains’ trusted ally, a powerful woman who “made a difference in the war.” But He Who Remains betrayed her and had her memory wiped. The memory ends. Outraged, Renslayer asks what they should do next.

Miss Minutes tees up the title card with a sinister “We don’t need him. Maybe we never did.”

Related: Loki Imagines the End of the World, But Not Capitalism

Victor Timely at the TVA

Victor Timely arrives at the Time-Variance Authority via time door. Still shaken by everything that’s happening, Timely does a bit of exploring before Loki, Mobius, B-15, and Sylvie catch up with him. Timely eventually agrees to help them fix the Temporal Loom. Loki and Mobius take Timely to the Loom Room, where OB and Casey are still troubleshooting the device. OB and Timely meet, realize who the other is, and proceed to geek out over the TVA guidebook.

OB outlines a plan to scale the Temporal Loom’s capacity so it can handle the new timeline branches, but he warns them that the temporal radiation levels outside the blast doors have increased dramatically. OB and Timely start putting the final touches on their plan while Mobius, Loki, and Sylvie clear out to let them work. Sylvie confronts Mobius about his cavalier attitude and deduces that he hasn’t even gone to visit the timeline from which he was abducted.

Cut to Black

Meanwhile, Judge Gambit and B-15 convene to discuss how to deal with General Dox, who’s currently imprisoned and awaiting interrogation. B-15 visits Dox, Brad Wolfe/X-5, and their conspirators in an attempt to reason with them. She asks for their help, which Dox angrily refuses.

Later, while Dox, Wolfe, and the other prisoners discuss their options, a time door materializes in their cell and out step Renslayer and Miss Minutes. Dox refuses Renslayer’s offer to join her, prompting Miss Minutes to activate the machine Loki and Mobius used on Wolfe in Episode 2. Renslayer uses the machine to crush Dox and her followers, leaving only Wolfe alive. Renslayer and Miss Minutes continue their takeover, and Wolfe reluctantly follows.

Wolfe prunes one of his fellow Hunters, kidnaps Timely and brings him to Renslayer and Miss Minutes. Renslayer grills Timely about his Temporal Loom, but before she can get too far into her questioning, Miss Minutes abruptly goes offline and Loki covertly possesses Wolfe. As Loki and Sylvie whisk Timely away, Wolfe prunes Renslayer.

Everyone gathers back in the loom room, where Timely offers to venture beyond the blast doors and fix the loom himself. He suits up, steps out into the radiation, and disintegrates with a scream, leaving the others horrified. The Loom appears to burst, and Loki Season 2, Episode 4, cuts to black.

And that’s our recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 4. Tune in next week to find out what happens and the fate of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

About the author

Hayden Mears
Hayden Mears is a freelance entertainment journalist with work featured in various online and print publications. You can find his work at Starburst Magazine, TVLine, The Playlist, CinemaBlend, the Eisner-winning comic magazine PanelxPanel, and others. When he's not waxing poetic about Pixar, Venture Bros., or comic books, he enjoys people, fitness boxing, and writing bios in the third person.
    Hayden Mears
    Hayden Mears is a freelance entertainment journalist with work featured in various online and print publications. You can find his work at Starburst Magazine, TVLine, The Playlist, CinemaBlend, the Eisner-winning comic magazine PanelxPanel, and others. When he's not waxing poetic about Pixar, Venture Bros., or comic books, he enjoys people, fitness boxing, and writing bios in the third person.

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