Video Games

How to Beat the Scourged Sister Delyth Boss in Lords of the Fallen

A trio of knights on horses in Lords of the Fallen

You’ve managed to overcome Pieta and have found your way to Skyrest, the central hub of Lords of the Fallen. Now it’s your job to make it through the precarious scaffolding lining the side of the building and find your way to Pilgrim’s Perch, the next major area of the game. Unfortunately, things are never that easy in a Soulslike. A shockingly powerful boss stands between you and your goal, so how exactly do you beat Scourged Sister Delyth in Lords of the Fallen?

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Serving as the second true boss of Hexwork’s game, Delyth looks a lot like The Penitent One from Blasphemous and given the very religious, gothic overtone of Lords of the Fallen, it makes sense. She’s incredibly fast and inflicts a tone of the bleed debuff with her flail, not to mention she’s seemingly invulnerable when the fight begins! She’s a difficult foe but one that can be brought down fairly quickly if you know what you’re doing. Hence, this guide!

Where to Find Scourged Sister Delyth in LotF

From the Vestige of Chabui, you’ll want to run to the ladders across the way and follow them up into the massive, seemingly derelict church. Run across the central beam and drop down the holes in the floor you find on the other side. Don’t worry about taking the ladder, the drop won’t inflict any fall damage and it’s much faster.

On this floor, take out the Umbral Lamp and enter Umbra. This is a high-risk battle since you don’t have the second chance that dying in Axiom grants; if you die here, that’s the end of your fight. Now that you’ve moved into the land of the dead, you can drop down the next hole and pass through the “moth gate” to begin the fight. Or, if you want to add some flair to your entrance, sprint along the half-beam that’s sticking out to the right. I actually advise using this method since the fall attack you can do on the two enemies below will recharge your health back up to full, eliminating any withering.

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How to Prepare to Fight Scourged Sister Delyth in Lords of the Fallen

Before you go any further, I recommend applying a Bleed Resistance Balm and Minor Holy Salts. The former, while generally used to cure the Bleed debuff, also makes it harder for Delyth to inflict the status. The latter will significantly boost the amount of damage you heal. I guess because she’s a heretic and holy light burns her, I’m not too sure about the in-fiction explanation here. Once you’re balmed up and feeling saintly, head down the stairs to your right to take on Scourged Sister Delyth.

How to Beat Scourged Sister Delyth’s First Phase

The VERY FIRST THING you need to do, and this isn’t optional, is to kill her ward of protection. That’s why you need to be in Umbra since the little orb that makes her invulnerable is invisible and impervious in Axiom. You’ll find it within the cavern to the right at the very bottom of the staircase. You could play keepsies-awaysies for a moment and bait Delyth to the opposite side of the area but there’s a high chance she’ll just follow you back into the nook and corner you.

I found the best strategy was to immediately soulflay her the second I got halfway down the stairs. Fling her soul, and her physical body, to the left. While Delyth is stuck in that slow-motion, drop your targeting and sprint down to the right. Smash the blue, glowing orb (it takes a single hit) and immediately retreat out of the cave. She should just be returning to her normal state at this point and with her defenses gone, it’s time for your blade to sing.

The first phase of this fight is very straightforward. Delyth will use her flail in a series of combos that can be blocked and parried with relative ease. The first attack will usually be a forehand swing followed by a backhand, after which she rests for a moment. If you block these, get in there and win some healthy back by attacking. If you parried, then similarly take this moment to get in a hit and maybe a kick to reduce her stagger meter. Bear in mind that she also has a Spartan kick attack that carries her further than you might expect but it doesn’t do a great deal of damage.

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The other combo Delyth REALLY likes to do will see her start with an overhead smash that looks like it’s a single move but it’s a bluff. She immediately follows it up with an upper swipe and then another downward smash. All three of these can be parried and they have surprisingly large windows to do so. If you want this battle to be an absolute pushover, the easiest thing to do is learn the parry timings. Having said that, you can also dodge very effectively given that her pursuit is generally just a speedy walk, giving you plenty of time to get out of the way and heal up if necessary. Be warned that Delyth does inflict a modicum of bleed on every hit, even if you’re blocking. If your item bar isn’t glued to a healing item, make sure the Bleed Resistance Balm is easily accessible.

Once you do this dance for a bit, either chipping away at Delyth’s health or sending her sprawling with plenty of parries and finishing moves, she’ll get really mad and start Phase 2.

How to Beat Scourged Sister Delyth’s Second Phase

When Delyth’s health gets to just about half, usually a little more, she’ll let out a rage of fury and begin flagellating herself with her flail. Pretty intimidating, especially since she starts emitting some kind of glowing, golden light as she punishes herself. When this begins, back off immediately because if you don’t, you’ll be blasted away by a wave of light that might not deal too much damage but puts you at a distance that’s perfect for one of her best moves.

Covered in glowing, golden thorns, Delyth’s attacks will largely remain the same but deal WAY more damage than before. She likes to string together two and three-hit combos so be sure you’re ready to dodge, block, or parry. The timing is also different; while she is slow in Phase 1, Delyth is actively leaping in the air with her flail hitting just before she actually touches down. It’ll take some practice to get the timing down. Keep an eye out for a charged uppercut that, if you fail to block or avoid it, will instantly see you pinned by the downward follow-up.

As long as we’re talking about speed, Delyth now also has a dash that lets her close the gap or reposition herself in the arena in an instant. It doesn’t deal any damage but it’s always immediately followed by a big hit. Once you see the glowing trail erupt behind her, you know it’s time to start rolling.

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The move that most constantly killed me was just a slight change up to your standard three-hit combo, the one that begins with the forehand swing followed by the backhand. Delyth will add a fourth hit into the equation, swinging up and then ending on a downward blow. It’s difficult to know when she’ll do this but just be prepared with your shield up at all times to reduce the damage.

The only other new ability you need to look out for her is her blood tornado. Yeah, blood tornado. She’ll only do it if there’s a big gap between the two of you and while it moves slowly and can be easily avoided, it deals plenty of damage if it tracks you down. It’s not a major threat, acting more as area denial and forcing you to approach from a specific direction so don’t stress too much about it. The only thing to be seriously cautious of is the puddle the twister leaves behind. Now that Delyth’s seemingly become one with the gods, the residue of the blood will also feature strings of golden thorns. If you step on it, you’ll continually wrack up both Bleed and Holy damage. It’s easy to simply forget where you’re standing and be lulled into a few hits so bear in mind that the blood puddle must be avoided!

To wrap this part of the fight up, I advise sticking very close to Delyth. Deny her any opportunity to dash across the arena and block off entire escape routes with the twister. The closer you stand to her, the more likely she’ll be to stick with her combos which, once you’ve learned the timing, are easy to parry. She doesn’t have a great deal of health so play it a bit risky, be brave with your blocks and dodges and after a few minutes you’ll have defeated Scourged Sister Delyth and can finally venture onwards to Pilgrim’s Perch. What horrors lie await for you there?

If you’re looking for more on the next location, check out where to find and how to use the key for Pilgrim’s Perch in Lords of the Fallen.

About the author

Brad Lang
Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.
    Brad Lang
    Brad Lang has spent so much of his life playing video games that at some point, it almost became a given that he would eventually turn all those hours into a job. He has a Masters degree in Creative Writing, an adorable black cat named Nemesis (Yes, from Resident Evil) and was once attacked by a fruit bat for no apparent reason.

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