
Love Thy Neighbor’s Epic Loot in This Castle-Raiding Game

This looks like what would happen if Evil Genius and Orcs Must Die had a bling-obsessed baby.

Here’s a challenge for the strategists out there. In Mighty Quest for Epic Loot you design your own castle, complete with monsters and traps, in what looks like a cross between a medieval Evil Genius and Orcs Must Die; then you defend it against your neighbors, who may be bots or online friends. When they cough it – assuming your defenses are up to snuff – you get epic loot. And when not on the defense, you’re on offense, raiding nearby castles for fun and yet more epic loot.

“If you’re not spending your every waking moment obsessed with the size of your treasure pile,” says the official site, “then your neighbors will think something’s very wrong with you.” The whole thing takes place in Opulencia, a Prestige Feudal Heroism Community where gravity has taken a holiday. The cheerful fellow you see in the trailer is Sir Painhammer, one of the three Unusual Suspects who form the current Community elite; a group which you, as a budding castle-basher, hope one day to join.

There’s no confirmed launch date for this yet, but Ubisoft wants to get the show on the road ASAP. Testing begins soon. Meanwhile there’s an official site you should have a look at, if you want to learn more.

Source: Joystiq

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