
Magicka: Wizards Wars Trailer Crushes You With Meteors

Paradox North has unveiled a gameplay trailer of its Magicka MOBA, complete with spells, combat, and dancing wizards.

If you’re a fan of the original Magicka, you’re probably more than curious about its MOBA spin-off, Magicka: Wizards Wars. Transferring the powerful, yet accident-prone spell system into a competitive environment holds strong possibilities for multiplayer, even if most of those possibilities involve literal friendly fire. But perhaps you’re still a little hesitant. After all, MOBA gameplay is a step away from Magicka‘s co-op roots, and the game will be developed under Paradox North instead of Arrowhead Game Studios. If that worries you, the new gameplay trailer should put your mind at ease, thanks to some familiar footage and the usual antics of hapless wizards.

The trailer is two parts cinematic and one part gameplay, but both give a strong sense of what players should expect. Whether you’re casting a deadly spell, summoning protective shields, or passing the time with a song and dance, Wizards Wars looks more like a polished DLC pack than a whole new game. Future trailers will presumably give players a better feel for expanded gameplay options, but this first glimpse goes a long way towards showing that Magicka: Wizard Wars will be more of the same.

If you can’t wait to dive in, Paradox is now taking registrations for the Wizard Wars alpha. The sign-up page offers unlockable rewards based on the number of registrants, including in-game items, bonus alpha keys, and the base Magicka game on Steam. Although Wizard Wars is still in an unfinished state, this is a great opportunity to take the new game for a spin. Just don’t be surprised when that Meteor Storm spell backfires just as spectacularly as it did in the original.

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