
Man Arrested For Robbing GameStop Via Tunnel


The imaginative thief made off with thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, after breaking through the wall of a neighboring building.

The strangest thing that most GameStop employees have to deal with is the occasional oddball customer or perhaps an inept shoplifter. But for staff at a store in Johnson City, Tennessee, things got way more left field than that.

On January 4th, staff discovered that someone had robbed the store, taking thousands of dollars worth of stock. That would a pretty unusual occurrence all by itself, but the thief had apparently also channeled their inner mole for the attempt, and had tunneled through the wall of store from a vacant building next door.

On January 13th, police arrested 33-year-old Steven Paul Archer, from the nearby town of Chuckey and charged him with felony burglary. According to the warrant, the total value of the stolen goods, plus cash taken from the register, came to nearly $6,000. Staff members at the store have been instructed not to talk about the incident, so unfortunately there aren’t any more details, and we don’t know how police found Archer.

As criminal plans go, this one was odd, but it’s not hard to see what was going through the thief’s mind. The store in question is pretty isolated, so no one would hear him working, and videogame hardware and software is worth a lot, but isn’t especially large, making it easy to move and sell on. Of course, there’s that irritating problem of getting caught – presuming that Archer really is the person responsible – but then again, no plan is perfect.

Source: Kotaku

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