
Man On a Mission Follows Lord British Into Space

Man On a Mission, a biopic following Richard Garriott’s journey to the International Space Station, is set to hit theaters in January.

Richard Garriott may be a little “out there” but there’s no arguing that the man doesn’t get things done, even when “things” means riding a rocket to a vacation in space. We know Garriott best as the man who created Ultima and, somewhat less fortunately, Tabula Rasa, but before he became a Game God he dreamed of following in the footsteps of his father, Owen Garriott, who served on Skylab and Spacelab missions in the 70s and 80s.

Unfortunately for Garriott the Younger, problems with his eyes ruled out a career at NASA, so after becoming disgustingly rich in the videogame industry he did the next best thing and became a “space tourist,” a journey documented in Man On a Mission. The film traces Garriott’s steps from his training sessions in Russia to his flight into orbit aboard a Soyuz capsule and finally his descent back to Earth, which includes out-the-window video of the fiery re-entry.

Gamers might be more interested in a look at Garriott’s early days as Lord British and his exploits in the videogame industry but this film looks like it might be pretty good stuff in its own right and could provide some interesting insights into what drives Garriott to do what he does. Lots of people get rich, after all, but very few of them feel compelled to blow a substantial chunk of their fortune on a couple weeks in space. Man On a Mission will debut in select theaters across the U.S. beginning on January 13. For a full schedule of showings and more information about the film, check out

via: GamePolitics

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