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Loki Season 2, Episode 3 Recap: He Who Invents

An image of Ravonna Renslayer as part of a recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 3.

Warning: The following recap of Disney+’s Loki Season 2, Episode 3, contains spoilers for the Marvel Cinematic Universe show.

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Loki Season 2, Episode 3, finally catches up with Ravonna Renslayer, who meets with Miss Minutes in 1868 Chicago on the Sacred Timeline. Miss Minutes hands Renslayer a package and tells her to leave it on a specific windowsill nearby. The package contains a copy of the Time-Variance Authority handbook, which finds its way into the hands of a young Victor Timely.

Back at the TVA, Loki, Mobius, OB, B-15, and Casey troubleshoot the loom room’s busted blast doors. OB reiterates that with He Who Remains dead, Miss Minutes is the only one who can fix the doors and save their asses. Loki and Mobius head off to find her while OB, B-15, and Casey remain on damage control.

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Loki Reveals Victor Timely, Our Newest Kang Variant

Loki and Mobius find Miss Minutes — and Renslayer — at the 1893 World’s Fair in Chicago, where Victor Timely (Jonathan Majors) is presenting a prototype of the Temporal Loom. Realizing that Timely is He Who Remains, Loki proposes a change of plan: Kidnap Timely and bring him back to the TVA to fix the Loom. The presentation ends, Timely sells the Loom, and Mobius, Loki, and Renslayer all scramble to reach him first.

The man who bought the Loom from Timely angrily brandishes a bundle of frayed cables, decrying the machine as fake and sending his cronies after the frazzled inventor. Mobius, Loki, and Renslayer join the chase, but Timely proves slippery. He evades them all long enough to hitch a ride on a nearby ferriswheel, where Loki is able to corner him. As Loki pleads with Timely to come to the TVA with him, Sylvie appears and attacks them both. The confrontation ends with Sylvie vanishing again, Timely escaping with Renslayer and Miss Minutes, and Loki and Mobius left in the dust.

Renslayer Deals With a Major Betrayal

At Timely’s home, Renslayer and Miss Minutes explain everything that has happened. Timely takes them to his lab via ship, and the three manage to escape the city undetected. After Renslayer reveals it was she who left the TVA guidebook at Timely’s window, Miss Minutes and Timely betray her during the voyage, stranding her in a rowboat and continuing on to the lab without her.

At the lab, Miss Minutes asks Timely to give her a body, an actual, physical body so she can help him lead. She grows angry with him when he hesitates, prompting him to switch her off. Moments later, an armed and angry Renslayer appears and threatens Timely. Loki and Mobius breathlessly burst in to find Renslayer holding him at… prunepoint?

Related: Loki Season 2 Is a Messy, Ambitious, and Enjoyable MCU Series

Anyway, back to the Loki recap. Sylvie intervenes, allowing Loki, Mobius, and Timely to return to the TVA while she deals with Renslayer. Instead of killing Renslayer, Sylvie kicks her through a Time Door. A disoriented Renslayer finds herself in the same room where Sylvie stabbed He Who Remains at the end of Loki Season 1.

Now trapped at the end of time, Renslayer switches Miss Minutes back on. Minutes, still fuming at Timely for his cowardice, offers Renslayer a bit of information that she promises will make her “real angry,” and that’s where the latest episode of Loki ends.

If you’re looking for more after reading our recap of Loki Season 2, Episode 3, check out our guide to who plays Brad Wolfe on the show. The first three episodes are available to stream now on Disney+.

About the author

Hayden Mears
Hayden Mears is a freelance entertainment journalist with work featured in various online and print publications. You can find his work at Starburst Magazine, TVLine, The Playlist, CinemaBlend, the Eisner-winning comic magazine PanelxPanel, and others. When he's not waxing poetic about Pixar, Venture Bros., or comic books, he enjoys people, fitness boxing, and writing bios in the third person.
    Hayden Mears
    Hayden Mears is a freelance entertainment journalist with work featured in various online and print publications. You can find his work at Starburst Magazine, TVLine, The Playlist, CinemaBlend, the Eisner-winning comic magazine PanelxPanel, and others. When he's not waxing poetic about Pixar, Venture Bros., or comic books, he enjoys people, fitness boxing, and writing bios in the third person.

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