
Marvel Sued by Intern in Class Action Wage Lawsuit

Marvel Entertainment

Intern Kenneth Jackson who worked at Marvel in 2008 claims he was “wrongfully” classified and denied minimum wage while at the company.

Kenneth Jackson, a former intern at Marvel Entertainment, has filed a class action lawsuit against the company on Monday in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. In the suit, Jackson claims he unfairly denied “minimum wages” while working for Marvel, and was “wrongfully” classified as an intern. According to the documents obtained by The Wrap, Jackson, who’s from Lancaster, PA, states he worked at Marvel from August 2008 to December 2008 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days per week, and that the company owes him back pay. Jackson is seeking to “recover unpaid minimum wages owed,” with the documents saying that all of Marvel’s New York interns were treated with the same faulty “employment practices, policies, and procedures” as Jackson, and includes “in excess of 100 individuals.”

Jackson is asking Marvel Entertainment for “all compensation, including minimum wages, which [he was] deprived,” in addition to court costs and attorney fees. Marvel Entertainment is the parent company of both Marvel Comics and Marvel Studios. In 2009, Disney acquired Marvel and all its assets to the sum of $4.6 billion dollars. To date, Marvel Entertainment, nor Disney have responded to media inquiries.

We’ll post an update if and when more info becomes available.

Source: The Wrap

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