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Marvel Television May Be Getting Shoved Out of Live-Action by the MCU

Marvel Television killed by MCU Marvel Studios

The split between Marvel Television, the folks behind any TV-based Marvel content, and Marvel Studios, the folks behind the MCU, is a strange one, but it’s led to a weird shared universe that isn’t quite shared. That may all be finally coming to an end as Variety is reporting that industry insiders believe “that live-action productions will be mostly if not completely moved away from Marvel Television.”

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The thinking is that as the Kevin Feige-led Marvel Studios ramps up its own TV content on Disney+ — including LokiShe-HulkHawkeye, and many more — the Jeff Loeb-led Marvel Television seems to be faltering, especially after last week’s news that Ghost Rider had been axed by Hulu. Feige’s television output has higher budgets, better casting, and plays a part in the next “phase” of the MCU. The Disney+ shows will reportedly have budgets between $100 and $150 million dollars, setting them up as the equivalent of extended MCU films for their six-to-eight-episode runs. Meanwhile, Marvel Television is still under the purview of the notoriously cheap Isaac Perlmutter, who almost derailed the MCU after pushing Feige to nearly quit when both film and television were under Perlmutter.

For now, this is just a rumor. Neither studio would comment on the subject, and one Marvel Television insider said that they had multiple live-action shows in development. But outside of the upcoming Hellstrom, Runaways, and the fate-uncertain Cloak and Dagger, it’s not clear what those are. It’s a far cry from when the studio was riding high with the success of its Netflix shows, the underrated Agent Carter, or the once-promising integration with the films that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. eventually ditched. They do have a strong lineup of animated content coming to Hulu with four shows making a bit of an animated MCU, but it pales in comparison to the prestige television that Marvel Studios will be putting out.

About the author

Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is a News Writer and film aficionado at Escapist. He has been writing for Escapist for nearly five years and has nearly 20 years of experience reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and video games for both print and online outlets. He has a degree in Film from Vassar College and a degree in gaming from growing up in the '80s and '90s. He runs the website and has written for The Washington Post, Destructoid, MTV, and more. He will gladly talk your ear off about horror, Marvel, Stallone, James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.
Matthew Razak
Matthew Razak is a News Writer and film aficionado at Escapist. He has been writing for Escapist for nearly five years and has nearly 20 years of experience reviewing and talking about movies, TV shows, and video games for both print and online outlets. He has a degree in Film from Vassar College and a degree in gaming from growing up in the '80s and '90s. He runs the website and has written for The Washington Post, Destructoid, MTV, and more. He will gladly talk your ear off about horror, Marvel, Stallone, James Bond movies, Doctor Who, Zelda, and Star Trek.

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