
Mega Man Squares Off With the Transformers in Stop-Motion

The Blue Bomber may be able to beat the likes of Air Man and Crash Man, but how will he fare against Starscream and a few Gundams?

Look, I know that Mega Man is pretty well-equipped to fight evil robots. He’s been battling Dr. Wily’s minions for years now! That’s kind of his thing; it’s just what he does. One Taiwanese fan decided to put the Blue Bomber to the test against some more competent evil robots: the Decepticons.

Well, a few Decepticons, anyway. Okay, maybe it’s just the one: In this stop-motion video by Taiwanese fan C656, a plucky Mega Man faces off against nefarious Transformers backstabber Starscream. It’s a pretty nifty action sequence done entirely with little plastic models, even if there are points where you can clearly see the scotch tape holding the models in place during some of the action poses.

I have to admit – as cool as this video is, I’m kind of disappointed we didn’t get to see Mega Man fighting any of the other robots seen in the model kit boxes that form the stage’s “walls.” I mean, who wouldn’t want to see Mega Man taking on the Kämpfer or Overflag? Hell, who wouldn’t want to see Mega Man vs. Buzz Lightyear?

I demand that C656 get to work on a sequel that picks up immediately where this one leaves off. If he doesn’t, then I guess I’m going to just go off and sulk for a little bit.

Thanks for sending this in, Cowabungaa!

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