
Metal Gear Rising: Revengence To Seek Revenge On PC


Konami front-man Hideo Kojima stated on his blog that the game will be coming to the PC.

Metal Gear Solid is a popular, convoluted stealth-action series from publisher Konami. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance was a spin-off from the main series, starring cyber-ninja Raiden, and built around the core gameplay concept of “you can cut anything.” It is set some time after Metal Gear Solid IV, and was only available on PS3 and Xbox 360. Until now. Konami big boss Hideo Kojima first stated on his blog (in Japanese) and it was later confirmed in English on Twitter by Platinum Games creative producer Jean Pierre Kellams, that Metal Gear Rising: Revengence will be released on the PC.

MGR:R first turned heads back when it was initially only announced for the Xbox 360. Up until this point, the Metal Gear games had been the saftey-blankey of Sony gamers, and the mere thought of their Microsoft brethren getting an exclusive sent them into a flurry. Luckily, it was soon announced for PS3, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

The game released on consoles in February this year, and was developed by Platinum Games, the guys behind the librarian fetishist wet-dream: Bayonetta. It received some relatively favorable review scores.

With the announcement of a PC version, MGR:R will be the first Metal Gear game to see a PC release since Metal Gear Solid 2.

No further details regarding the PC port have surfaced as yet, but we may hear more at Konami’s E3 2013 presentation. Platinum Games has never produced a PC game, so it’s still not known if they will be the team developing this PC port.

Source: Hideoblog & Twitter

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