
Metro: Last Light Reveals the “Survivors”

4A Games reveals the fate of the Preacher in the first of the Metro: Last Light “Survivors” trailers.

A lot of gamers are worried about their favorite THQ franchises these days: Saints Row, Warhammer, Red Faction (just kidding – nobody cares about Red Faction) and others are all threatened by the publisher’s troubles. For some of us, that list is topped by Metro: Last Light, the post-apocalyptic horror-shooter slated to come out in early 2013. It’s hardly THQ’s biggest, baddest franchise, but in spite of its presumably-precarious future it’s still being given the full-court press campaign.

The first Metro: Last Light “Survivors” trailer was released today, following up on the fate of the Preacher, the doom-saying nutcase who was last seen howling at panicked crowds while Moscow burned. It turns out that he survived and that for him, at least, the end of the world wasn’t all bad.

It’s far from a conventional FPS trailer, but that’s what makes it so appealing. Metro’s strength is in its setting, and while my biases are no secret – I’m a pretty big Metro 2033 fanboy – I think it’s brilliant to play up that aspect in the advertising, even to the point where there’s no actual shooting, or gameplay of any sort, on display. At least two more “Survivor” trailers are set to follow, “The Model” on November 28 and “The Commander” on December 5.

Metro: Last Light is slated to come in March 2013 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, but not the Wii U.

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