
Modders Create Skyrim Shrine for Fallen Gamer

Modders have created a special mod adding an NPC and an in-game shrine to honor a gamer who passed away in 2013.

Death is one of those things that’s both universal but also different for everyone. When someone in your life passes there’s no telling how you’re going to respond. Some simply take time and grieve. Others go about their daily business, using the normalcy of a routine to help them cope and work past the pain of losing the deceased. Some, meanwhile, turn to video games. When Reddit user Lastrogu3 lost his brother Taylor, for instance, one thing he did to cope make some meaningful visits to the frosty lands of Skyrim.

Skyrim was Taylor’s favorite game and, while Lastrogu3 preferred to play on PC, he started visiting his brother’s saved game on Xbox 360 as a way of remembering his brother. “The only time I ever play a game on a console anymore is to use his Xbox to sign into his account, boot up Skyrim, and just sit there looking at the last thing he saw in the game,” explained Lastrogu3. “I never move his character, save, or do anything since it wouldn’t be his character anymore. He is frozen in time just like my young brother was.” Sharing this story on Reddit, Lastrogu3 soon received requests from other gamers asking for Taylor’s final location in the game so they could visit it to leave flowers with their own characters. Inspired by these requests, he got in touch with a group of modders who crafted a small mod adding a shrine near the city of Riften dedicated to Taylor and his character, the dark elf Bear. The mod apparently also adds an NPC version of Bear who will visit the shrine from time to time and be present in the game’s Sovngarde section.

Taylor’s death occurred in 2013 as a result of a drowning accident. He had been wake boarding on a river and was pulled underwater after a rope tying his board to his ankle got caught on some submerged tree roots. Adding further salt to the wound, Taylor had just gotten married “less than a month” before the accident. Skyrim fans interested in visiting Taylor’s shrine and paying their own personal tribute can download the mod here.

Source: Reddit

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