
Monday, March 13 is Maintenance Day at The Escapist!


We’re undergoing planned maintenance on Monday, March 13!

Hello, Escapist readers!

We’ve got some scheduled maintenance planned for Monday, March 13. While the site will still be up and readable, there will be no updates to the site, and the forums will be offline until the maintenance period has ended.

In the meantime, we’re going to have a day of streaming over on our Twitch channel. We’ll have a variety of streams throughout the day, so please come join us for a day of gaming while we let the tech monkeys do that thing they do.

We appreciate your patience while we take care of things behind the scenes. We’ll be back to normal as soon as possible.

We’ll see you on our Twitch channel!

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Brimstone – Brainstorming Synonyms for “Unpleasant”

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