
National Videogame Museum 1.0 Settles in Texas

The National Videogame Museum 1.0 will celebrate and document gaming history in Frisco, Texas this April.

The Videogame History Museum has existed as a traveling exhibit since it was funded in 2011. The collection includes over 20,000 from decades of gaming history, all stored in various facilities across the country. Since its inception, the Videogame History Museum has taken portions of its collection to events like E3, GDC, and PAX. Even before The Videogame History Museum existed, the group behind the non-profit used their collections to start the Classic Gaming Expo in Las Vegas, way back in 1999.

The local government in Frisco approved the museum last week and committed to spending $800,000 to help prepare the location. The museum is required to provide $200,000, which Sean Kelly, one of the founders, said the money was already collected. Once established, museum officials intend to look to companies in the games industry for financial support to create a bigger facility.

The museum will take over 10,000 square feet in the Frisco Discovery Center, but even this won’t be enough space for the entire collection. Officials plan to rotate exhibits in order to share everything they have, but a classic arcade room will likely be a permanent fixture.

Kelly and John Hardie, another co-founder, said education is an important factor for the museum, such as the science, engineering, and math that goes into game development. Workshops focused on making games – classic games, that is, are also planned.

The museum isn’t the only geek-culture collection planned for the near future. The Star Wars Museum is heading to Chicago and the Hollywood Science Fiction Museum might become a reality in, well, Hollywood. In fact, even the Smithsonian Museum has added a couple video games to its collection.

Source: Dallas News , via Joystiq

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