
Natural 20 Web Series Hopes to Score a Critical Crowdfunding Hit

Jack Delaney hopes to raise $20,000 through IndieGoGo to finish the first season of his pen-and-paper RPG web series Natural 20.

If there’s one thing that we can all universally agree to be a problem, it’s probably the sad lack of comedy series focused on tabletop roleplaying. We simply don’t have enough of them. Hoping to rectify this sad deficit, Jack Delaney and the other fine folks behind Natural 20 set out to create a new comedic web series following “a group of friends who make the worst decisions possible in a game of infinite possibilities.” Sadly, with just a handful of episodes finished, he found himself facing that unfortunate wall that most every independent creator eventually has to bash through: funding. With no money left he had to make a choice between giving up or rolling the dice on a crowdfunding campaign.

Obviously, he took the latter route.

Hoping to raise $20,000, Delaney launched an IndieGoGo campaign back in February aimed at funding the remainder of the series’ first season. The money, according to the campaign, would cover the costs of renting equipment, post-production and, of course, paying its cast and crew. If it surpasses its goal, all extra funds will be used to film its remaining episodes “at a higher production value.”

The big question currently however, is whether or not it will even meet its base goal. With only seven days left, Natural 20‘s campaign has only managed to raise seven percent ($1,473) of its $20,000 target. While the terms of their campaign stipulate that Delaney and company will still receive that smaller sum when it ends, it obviously won’t be enough to complete the first season as originally envisioned. In other words, if Natural 20 sounds at all like something you’d enjoy, you might want to consider tossing in a dollar or two.

Source: IndieGoGo

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