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New Escapist Podcast: E3 2019 Special Part Two

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Welcome, listeners, to our second and final special of E3 2019!

We have fought the good fight and finished the race, and not a moment too soon! In our final wrap-up of the expo, we expose the secrets of Secret of Mana, get fired up about Fire Emblem: The Three Houses, rant ourselves breathless about The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, and discuss the questionable lore of Final Fantasy VII we DEMAND to see in the remake.

Finally, we pick our personal “winners” of the show! Join us to hear our final thoughts, and then be sure to share yours with us on social media! And don’t forget, E3 2020 is almost upon us! Oy vey.

Find the podcast on Soundcloud, Spotify, Pocket Casts and iTunes.

About the author

E3 2019 Hands-on: Doom Eternal’s Demons More Fun to Kill than Wolfenstein’s Nazis

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