
New Homepage Layout on The Escapist

the escapist homepage home page

Hey folks,

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Today you may have noticed we’ve launched a new homepage layout for The Escapist. As we continue to focus more and more on creating original content via video series, livestreams, columns, and podcasts, we wanted a homepage that was easier for you to stay up to date with your latest series.

The Escapist today isn’t really a news site anymore, so the list format we were previously using no longer made sense. We also livestream pretty much every day now, and we haven’t been great at communicating that to the main website audience. This new layout should remedy the issue of both finding the content you’re looking for and also allow our original content to live on the front page longer so that it doesn’t get buried right away.

The first thing you’ll notice is that the top featured section includes our latest livestreams. Eventually we’re going to have a dedicated page for this, but for now we wanted to make sure you weren’t missing that content and could easily find it right on the homepage. The pieces below are our featured content for the day.

Next you’ll find a grid layout of all of our premium video series, with the last four entries available right on the homepage. This should allow you to stay up to date with the latest entries in a series for up to a month’s worth of content, with a view-all link below that will take you to the larger category page.

After that section you’ll find all of our podcasts, and then columns have been placed into their own section on the homepage, followed by news, opinions, and interviews at the bottom of the site.

We know this might take some getting used to, but we wanted you to be able to find the content you were looking for easier and also build it in a way so that when you’re scrolling you’re always finding something interesting or fun to read / watch.

The main navigation of the site has also been cleaned up and updated to be more readable and easier to find what you’re looking for.

We hope you like the new changes! There’s some still some minor link cleanup we’re working on and some bugs we’re fixing, but we’d love to hear your feedback on the new layout.

Thank you,

Nick Calandra
Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist

About the author

Nick Calandra
Nick Calandra has been covering video games for over 14 years, holds a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism and now leads the team at The Escapist. Previously Nick created and led teams at TitanReviews, Velocity Gamer, OnlySP and Gameumentary, before becoming Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist in 2019. He has done everything from covering the smallest of indie games to creating documentaries on some of the most well-known video game franchises in the industry such as Darksiders, Divinity: Original Sin, EVE and more. While his favorite games right now include Rainbow Six Siege and Elden Ring, Nick is constantly experimenting with new genres to expand his gaming tastes and knowledge of the industry.
Nick Calandra
Nick Calandra has been covering video games for over 14 years, holds a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism and now leads the team at The Escapist. Previously Nick created and led teams at TitanReviews, Velocity Gamer, OnlySP and Gameumentary, before becoming Editor-in-Chief of The Escapist in 2019. He has done everything from covering the smallest of indie games to creating documentaries on some of the most well-known video game franchises in the industry such as Darksiders, Divinity: Original Sin, EVE and more. While his favorite games right now include Rainbow Six Siege and Elden Ring, Nick is constantly experimenting with new genres to expand his gaming tastes and knowledge of the industry.

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