
Next Hearthstone Expansion Revealed As Whispers of the Old Gods

Blizzard reveals the deep dark secrets of the next Hearthstone expansion called Whispers of the Old Gods.

Blizzard’s crazy fun Hearthstone continues to expand, this time with the upcoming Whispers of the Old Gods, which will begin pre-sales on Monday, March 14.

The set will have 134 new cards, focused on C’Thun and his allies. Among some of the new cards are the legendary C’Thun itself, a Beckoner of Evil, and the Twilight Elder. N’Zoth, Yogg-Saron, and Y’Shaarj are also expected to make appearances.

The pre-purchase allows players to grab one 50-pack bundle per account – for either PC, iOS or Android – for $49.99, with the pre-sale lasting until the expansion is officially released some time in late April or early May. As a pre-purchase bonus, you get a special card back that looks like an eye of C’Thun giving you the once over (see the gallery below for the animated Gif).

Once the x-pack is officially released, players can grab more pack from the Blizzard store for real money or gold. The cards will be available in the Arena, even if you don’t yet have them in your personal collection.

Blizzard will be revealing more on the expansion on the official site on March 21.


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