
Nintendo’s 3DS Brand Conquers February 2015’s Hardware Sales

Sony and Microsoft both reported big sales boosts last month, but it was Nintendo and the 3DS family that reigned supreme.

The PS4 wasn’t the top selling hardware brand in February 2015. Granted, it’s not the first time that’s happened since the console first in 2013, but it’s the first we can recall that it was trounced by the 3DS.

Citing NPD reports, Nintendo has announced that its various 3DS handhelds sold nearly 400,000 units over the course of February 2015. The portable’s sales were bolstered, of course, by the launch of the New 3DS XL which, on its own, solid more than 150,000 portables. “The one-two-three punch of New Nintendo 3DS XL, The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, and Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate helped Nintendo 3DS become the top-selling hardware platform in the United States in February,” said Nintendo in a statement. “Through the first two months of 2015, sales of Nintendo 3DS hardware have increased by more than 90 percent over sales in the same period in 2014.” Sales of the Wii U have apparently also enjoyed a sales boost of more than 20 percent when compared to the same period last year.

Despite failing to capture the top hardware spot, Sony also had a good month. The PS4 remained the bestselling home-console, with its total sales rising up to “more than 20.2 million units sold to consumers worldwide.” Microsoft likewise reported an impressive increase in year-on-year sales for the Xbox One. According to the company, the console’s sales increased 84 percent in February compared to the same month in 2014. In other words, it was a good month for everyone, though a better one for some.

Source: GameSpot

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