
Nvidia Announces Record Revenues to the Tune of Over $1 billion

Nvidia posted third-quarter revenue of $1.12 billion, a record number for the computer graphics manufacturer.

The figure represented a 36 percent year-on-year growth. In the same period, net income also experienced a 121 percent gain, increasing to $235.7 million.

The company ascribed its success to the sales of its Geforce line of video solutions. Desktop graphics card sales increased 33 percent, notebook chip sales 120 percent and professional video solution sales 37 percent.

“We are very proud to have achieved our first billion-dollar quarter. And, while it is a wonderful milestone to reach, we believe this is just the beginning,” Nvidia CEO Jen-Hsun Huang said.

The company has dominated the consumer graphics market for a full year, since its late December 2007 introduction of DirectX 10 series cards, and has introduced revised versions of those cards at lower price points for this holiday season.


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