
Online Multiplayer Metal Gear Puzzle Game Launches


Did you know that Solid Snake loves to complete jigsaw puzzles in his spare time?

For a while, there was a teaser on the official Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker website for something oddly named “Piece Walker,” though nobody had a clue as to what it was other than the image of some familiar feet coming out of the bottom of a cardboard box. Konami has now officially launched the Piece Walker website which has turned out to be a Metal Gear themed online multiplayer puzzle game.

And by puzzle, I mean jigsaw puzzle, though all of the pieces are the same size and shape. I know what most people are thinking: an online multiplayer Metal Gear puzzle game? As strange a concept as it is, it’s quite fun actually, and despite it being on located in a Japanese domain the game is extremely English friendly. Players compete to put as many correct pieces into varying puzzles as possible within the time limit. The winner accumulates bonus points at the end of a match, and players are ranked on a leaderboard. You can unlock items for playing, such as PSP wallpapers. I don’t know if the items get better later, as I’ve only unlocked the first of twenty.

Metal Gear is tied in through all of the puzzles, which might be a picture of Big Boss’s face or of a scene from the upcoming Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, while each player takes the form of Solid Snake in a cardboard box. I don’t mean to brag, but I was undefeated until I realized that I was playing against the computer. There is a nice selection of single-player puzzles too, more of which will be unlocked each week for the next seven weeks.

As a form of marketing, I like these weird kinds of creations, and especially like the multiplayer component in this one. It seems like someone misspelled Peace Walker one day and Konami got clever with it. Unlocking items on the PSP is a fun idea, though I’m not sure I’d play too much before knowing if I unlock more than wallpapers. It’s worth giving a shot, but just know you’re playing against the computer unless you click the button to enter an online battle on the left. As the website says: “My fellow cardboard boxes… Hear my words, and become the world’s mightiest piece walker!”

The game can be found here.

(Via: Siliconera)

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Indie Developer Showcase, Day Four: Mondo Agency

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