
Over 1,800 Gaming Professionals Condemn Hate Speech in Open Letter

Andreas Zecher of Spaces of Play kicked it off, but you’ll probably recognize one or two other names on his list.

On September 1st, Andreas Zecher of Spaces of Play decided enough was enough, and posted an open letter to the gaming community up on Medium. He invited those who wanted to sign it to Tweet him their details, and as of time of writing he has 1,837 people on his list, from companies like Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Sony, Double Fine, BioWare, Rovio, CD Projekt RED, Telltale Games, Mojang, as well as a ton of independents and academics.

The full text of the letter is as follows:

We believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or religion has the right to play games, criticize games and make games without getting harassed or threatened. It is the diversity of our community that allows games to flourish.

If you see threats of violence or harm in comments on Steam, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook or reddit, please take a minute to report them on the respective sites.

If you see hateful, harassing speech, take a public stand against it and make the gaming community a more enjoyable space to be in.

Thank you

It’s gaining signatures rapidly, at one point adding 3 to 5 signatures a minute. Just a few hours ago it was at 1,200 and counting. Zecher’s having trouble keeping up.

Source: Open Letter

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