
PayDay: The Heist and Other PSN Exclusives Get Release Dates

PayDay: The Heist headlines PSN’s next wave of heavy-hitters.

With Xbox Live’s Summer of Arcade winding down, Sony’s planning to own Autumn with a few top-notch downloadable titles of its own. PayDay: The Heist, Rochard and Sideway: New York now have firm release dates spread across the coming couple of months.

First up is Rochard, a side-scrolling platformer starring a fat, moustachioed man shooting space-pirates. It relies on grappling-hook swinging and other physics stuff we’ve seen in other games, but the combination of existing ideas should give it a decent bit of variety. This one releases September 27th for ten bucks.

PayDay is next up in the major release list. Its multiplayer bank robberies looked solid at E3, and we haven’t really seen a decent heist game since Kane & Lynch 2. Sony obviously has some high hopes for The Heist: we’ll see at least one expansion pack later this year. It hits PSN on October 4th for $20.

Sideway: New York closes out the list of release date announcements. Another 2D game with plenty of quirk to go around, cooperative vandalism is key in this graffiti-centric platformer. October 11th is its magical day, and $10 is the asking fee.

The lineup isn’t as immediately exciting as the stuff in Microsoft’s annual promotion, but Sony has some potentially strong stuff set for the fall.

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