
Platinum Games Could Be Teasing Bayonetta and Wonderful 101 for the Switch

Platinum Games has a new Japanese-language Twitter account, and it may be teasing Switch ports of some of its game.

Gamers have been treated to plenty of teases from Platinum Games in recent months. The developer began with teasing PC ports of Bayonetta and Vanquish that came to fruition. Now it’s opened a new Japanese language Twitter account that appears to be teasing some Switch ports of the developer’s Wii U games.

The first post was a little bit vague. It featured a picture of Bayonetta as she appeared in both the first and second game, and observant spectators pointed out the background colors in the pic match up with the colors of the Switch’s blue and red Joy-Cons. Of course, they also match the colors used in each game’s box art, so that’s certainly not conclusive.

But a second tweet was a bit more interesting. It featured the characters from Wonderful 101 playing the game they star in using Switch controllers. The English language account quoted the tweet, and said that it was a welcome to the new account from Platinum Games modeler Eiji Funahashi.

So is this is worth some speculation? Possibly. Platinum has been teasing games a lot of late, but this could be nothing more than a fun couple of pieces of art. While a Bayonetta port wouldn’t be a huge surprise, Wonderful 101 used the Wii U gamepad fairly heavily, making a port a bit more of a dicey affair.

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