Why wait for an officially sanctioned port of your favorite “strategic dismemberment” simulator to support waggle, when it already does?
Yesterday, Electronic Arts’ CEO John Riccitiello announced a port of last years survival-horror hit, Dead Space, to the Nintendo Wii. While no details have been revealed, it’s a win-win for just about everyone involved. Fans of the original game get to see a new franchise favorite gain further support, while Wii owners get a game that will scare the lycra off their Fit loving parents.
If you’re curious about how the Wii Remote will play along with Dead Space, and you just so happen to have access to a high-end PC, you’re in luck, as MTV Multiplayer has spotted a YouTube user with a solution. By utilizing a Wii Remote as a Bluetooth device, you too can experience the joy of waggling off a space-mutants head. For everyone else, you’ll just have to wait until the end of the year to play 2008’s best game to star a space wielder with your Wii.