
Is PlayStation Plus Not Adding First-Party Exclusives at Launch a Mistake? – Breakout

Breakout podcast new PlayStation Plus tiers first-party games Xbox Game Pass comparison BOTW 2 Breath of the Wild 2 delay
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This week on the Breakout podcast, Sony has revealed its new PlayStation Plus model with updated tiers to compete with Xbox Game Pass, but we’re wondering if Sony is making a mistake to not include its first-party games at launch on the service through any tier. Oh, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 got delayed again, so we’ll talk about that too.

About the author

KC Nwosu
KC Nwosu has been making video game content for nearly half a decade. He also streams with his son Starboy who has legitimately won a Mario Kart race against him.
KC Nwosu
KC Nwosu has been making video game content for nearly half a decade. He also streams with his son Starboy who has legitimately won a Mario Kart race against him.

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